Rescuers Fail To Find Man Lost In Desert—His Dog Provides Needed Help

Late last month, when Don Gregorio Romero went missing from his home in Sonora, Mexico, his family was understandably concerned.

Romero, who is 84 years old, is thought to have wandered off in a disoriented state and was then unable to find his way back.

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The family’s search around the town proved fruitless, so they reached out to local authorities for help.

But Romero’s hero would soon turn out to be someone with no training at all.

Rescuers Fail To Find Man Lost In Desert — So They Ask His Dog For Help

For days on end, search and rescue crews scoured the desert region for any sign of Romero—but all to no avail.

Authorities even enlisted the service of skilled tracking dogs, though they too failed to uncover any clues about where Romero may have ended up.

A week after Romero went missing, with hopes of finding him alive fading, rescuers decided to turn to the one who knows him best.

They encouraged his dog, Palomo, to help.

Rescuers Fail To Find Man Lost In Desert — So They Ask His Dog For Help

Palomo was brought to the vicinity of where Romero was last seen a week earlier—and, sure enough, the dog was stirred to action.

Evidently having caught his beloved owner’s lingering scent, Palomo began walking into the barren desert, leading rescuers on a lifesaving mission.

Rescuers Fail To Find Man Lost In Desert — So They Ask His Dog For Help

For nearly two miles across the inhospitable landscape, the faithful dog followed his nose—and his heart.

All the while, hopeful rescuers watched in tow.

State officials in Sonora later wrote:

[Palomo] led authorities between hills, roads and ravines, to where Don Gregorio was.

Romero’s dog, Palomao, had found him, exhausted and dehydrated, but thankfully still alive.

Rescuers Fail To Find Man Lost In Desert — So They Ask His Dog For Help
Rescuers then led Romero out of the desert to safety.

But to all present, there was no doubt about who was the hero to thank for ending this harrowing ordeal.

Search party member Debora Mtz wrote:

The hero of this day is called Palomo, this puppy who found his owner!

Rescuers Fail To Find Man Lost In Desert — So They Ask His Dog For Help

Romero was then brought to a local hospital for treatment for dehydration and exposure.

There, Palomo’s dedication to him was clear to see, too.

The dog stood faithfully outside the hospital door, awaiting his best friend’s release.

Rescuers Fail To Find Man Lost In Desert — So They Ask His Dog For Help
Though many people had rallied together in an effort to find missing Romero, a statement about the incident from state officials makes clear it was the bond he shares with his pup that ultimately led to this happy ending.

Officials wrote:

There is no doubt about the love that animals feel for their owners. But in the case of ‘El Palomo’ […] that love went beyond what was expected, as it helped save [a] life by guiding security and civil protection elements and his relatives to locate his master.

Final thoughts: Everyone needs a dog—to care for and to be cared for.