RINO Mitch Leads 21 Useless Senate Fence Sitters in Siding with Communists to Pass Spending Bill

Senate Republican Minority Leader McFailure McConnell joined with 21 other Republican senators Thursday to pass a continuing resolution to fund the federal government for another week in hopes that a longer-term spending deal can be finalized in that time.

This from thelibertyloft.com.

Again, McFailure McConnell said:

[T]hat was the last extension he’d support, leaving negotiators with two options: Find a solution in the next seven days, or put forward a shorter-term deal for a vote.

He told The Washington Post this week:

That is the deadline, and those are the two options.

In addition to McConnell, the Republican senators who voted to support the continuing resolution were Sens. John Boozman of Arkansas, Shelley Moore Capito of West Virginia,  Bill Cassidy of Louisiana, Susan Collins of Maine, John Cornyn of Texas, Tom Cotton of Arkansas, Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, Chuck Grassley of Iowa, Cindy Hyde-Smith of Mississippi, Jim Inhofe of Oklahoma, John Kennedy of Louisiana, Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, Rob Portman of Ohio, Mitt Romney of Utah, Marco Rubio of Florida, Richard Shelby of Alabama, Dan Sullivan of Alaska, John Thune of South Dakota, Tommy Tuberville of Alabama, Roger Wicker of Mississippi and Todd Young of Indiana.

The number of Republicans voting in favor of the resolution exceeded the number voting against, which was 19. Nine Republican senators did not vote. (You can read the complete list on the Senate’s website.)

According to Newsweek:

[A] deal on a final spending measure was ‘very close,’ but some details around ‘defense and domestic spending’ remain to be worked out.

McConnell said on the Senate floor Wednesday, according to the outlet:

If a truly bipartisan full-year bill without poison pills is ready for final Senate passage by late next week, then I’ll support it—for our armed forces particularly. Otherwise, we’ll be passing a short-term continuing resolution into the new year.

In the House where Republicans will take control next month and have more power to set the agenda for spending, some Republicans expressed anger at McConnell’s position.

California Rep. Kevin McCarthy told Fox News host Laura Ingraham last week that:

Republicans negotiating the larger spending bill were wrong.

Ingraham asked:

Does that include McConnell?

McCarthy responded:

Yes. Why would you want to work on anything if we have the gavel inside Congress?

The Hill noted, McCarthy told Sean Hannity on Tuesday:

They’re trying to jam us right before Christmas. Why would you ever move forward when there’s a change in power in 21 days where Republicans would have a stronger hand?

We wouldn’t be talking about adding more money. We’d talk about decreasing.

Texas Rep. Chip Roy’s office tweeted a video of Roy implying that for McConnell to continue to support the so-called omnibus bill negotiations was tantamount to dereliction of duty.

Two unnamed Republican senators told The Hill that McCarthy actually wants the bill passed because he knows how difficult it will be trying to negotiate with both conservative Republican representatives and [communists] in the House to get a majority to pass any spending legislation early next year.

However, let’s not get too far ahead of McCarthy’s primary issue at hand here—the Speakership. Spending legislation be damned—to get the votes he needs to win the speakership, he has to amp up his rhetoric against McConnell. He needs to appear strong and to be doing the work of We the People.

One senator said, according to The Hill:

He [McCarthy] needs votes for the speaker’s job but I’m told he wants it [the spending legislation] passed. I just can’t believe he wants all these bills piled in his lap in February.

Another said:

Everything I know is that McCarthy is privately cheering us on to get it done but he’s in this position of trying to get the votes for speaker.

Final thoughts: What a shame it is that American politics is more about personal goals than about doing the people’s work. Obvious is that nearly every damn one of those elected go to D.C. with a mission and determination to do good. However, they all invariably succumb to the powers of the swamp.

Certainly, Term Limits will be addressed if ever we see another Constitutional Convention, yes?

And will President Trump and Elon Musk ever get the damn swamp drained?

God speed to Conservatism.