Gain-of-Function Means Bioweapon—Musk Blasts Fauci for Overseeing Creation of COVID-19

Twitter CEO Elon Musk blasted The Obiden Regime’s outgoing Chief Medical Advisor Dr. Anthony Fauci on Wednesday, December 28, for overseeing the creation of the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) bioweapon that has killed millions around the world.

This from

The Regime panics after Musk slams Fauci’s funding of the gain-of-function research in Wuhan


Musk tweeted:

Important to note that Fauci authored a 2012 paper arguing for gain-of-function research.

He then cited an article published by Yahoo on March 2021, in which was noted that:

Fauci backed the gain-of-function experiments based on his paper written back in 2012.

According to Fauci:

[T]he research is ‘important work’ and the benefits of such experiments as well as the resulting knowledge outweigh the risks.

The tech mogul pointed out:

Some good nuggets in the article.

Gain-of-function‘ in this context is just another way of saying ‘bioweapon.’

The retiring National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) director, Fauci, said in his paper that:

[R]esearch involves making viruses more infectious and/or deadly.

A lot of experts have been coming out with analyses that found the possibility of COVID-19 to have originated from a potential lab leak at the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) in Wuhan, China, where gain-of-function experiments on bat coronaviruses had been conducted.

Musk noted that former President Barack Hussein Obama:

[W]isely put this on pause, but Fauci restarted it.

In 2014, the Obama Regime paused funding for gain-of-function experiments in 22 fields, including those involving SARS, influenza, and MERS because of the increased risk such experimentation carries of causing a pandemic.

When Fauci wrote his paper supporting gain-of-function research, there was a voluntary ban on such experiments related to highly infectious influenza viruses.

Yet the EcoHealth Alliance diverted $600,000 in grants from the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the head agency of NIAID, to the WIV in the form of sub-grants from 2014 through 2019 to study bat coronaviruses.

Fauci maintained that no U.S. funding went to WIV for gain-of-function research.

[However, he] conceded during congressional testimony last year that it was impossible to guarantee that researchers at the WIV did not use American funds to perform gain-of-function research on coronaviruses.


Related—According to the former CDC Director:

Fauci “knew” he was funding illegal gain-of-function research.


Musk also took a swipe on Fauci earlier in December, saying:


My pronouns are Prosecute/Fauci.


While the post did not include context, it still drew support from Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia.

Also, Twitter user @hodgetwins replied to Musk’s tweet:

Let me guess. You found messages between Twitter execs and our government (Fauci and team) pushing for censorship of anyone that didn’t go along with their narrative on COVID?

Musk responded with a trophy emoticon. He also replied with a simple “Yes” when another user inquired if this will be explained in the next set of Twitter Files.

While Musk’s tweet acquired roughly half a million likes in its first few hours online, the post also received backlash.

Peter Hotez, a vaccine scientist and virology professor, defended Fauci’s work at the forefront of U.S. pandemic mitigation efforts and urged Musk to remove the post.

Hotez wrote:

For the record: Dr. Fauci has done nothing wrong, except serve our nation. In the meantime, Mr. Musk should know that 200,000 Americans needlessly lost their lives from COVID due to this kind of antiscience rhetoric and disinformation. Elon, I’m asking you to take down this Tweet.

Musk has not responded publicly.

About an hour before posting the tweet about Fauci, Musk shared a meme with a caption that read in part,


“Just one more lockdown.”


[W]hich could be interpreted as an allusion to Fauci’s advocacy for safety mandates that public health experts, including those in the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, agreed were helpful in slowing the spread of COVID-19 before vaccines became widely available.


Go to: for more about the COVID-19 bioweapon.


Final thoughts: Fauci will receive much condemnation and even prayers for his quick demise but given our current system of in-justice he will never be adjudicated as guilty for his crimes.