Donald Trump Has Been Nominated for Speaker of The House

President Trump has been nominated for the position of Speaker of the House by Florida congressman Matt Gaetz in a stunning show of support for the MAGA movement during the 7th round of voting Thursday morning.

DJT did not win the vote, however, the subject has at least been broached.

How many rounds of voting before DJT becomes our next Speaker of the House?

This from

Gaetz had previously declared his intentions to nominate the former president during campaign rallies during the summer of 2022.

Watch as Gaetz boldly stands up during his roll call and offers the name many conservatives have long been waiting to hear:

Gaetz announces upon standing, quickly sitting to a silenced hall and a look of disbelief on colleague Marjorie Taylor Greene’s face:


“Donald John Trump!”


Last July, Gaetz stated that he would nominate Donald Trump if the GOP reclaimed the House.

The Florida congressman had said during a rally in Sarasota:

After the next election cycle when we take back the House of Representatives, when we send [current Speaker] Nancy Pelosi back to the filth of San Francisco, my commitment to you is that my vote for Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives will go to Donald J. Trump.

Gaetz has been one of approximately twenty Republican holdouts against voting for Kevin McCarthy.

Appearing on Fox News, Gaetz ravaged the California RINO’s chances of earning the requisite 218 votes, citing McCarthy’s time in Washington, D.C. as:


“…nothing more than a funnel for lobbyists and lacking any real political ideology.”


Gaetz said:

The reason we’ve demanded that is that we do not trust Kevin McCarthy. And it’s not a small body of work.

The guy has been in leadership in Washington, DC for 14 years. And this town needs to change.

And we’re going to change it one way or the other, either by changing out the Speaker or by having the most fundamental rewrite of the rules in really my lifetime.

He continued:

We’re not trying to dictate terms we represent our constituents.

Look, part of the group think of Washington D.C. is you come here and you’ve just got to give the lobbyist your vote card and the leadership your calendar and everything will be okay.


“Kevin McCarthy has no ideology, even his own supporters admit that in private.

He is simply a vessel through which lobbyists and special interests operate.”


Newsweek noted at the time there are no rules preventing a member of the public at large from serving in the role of House Speaker.

The Constitution states:

[T]he House of Representatives shall chuse (sic) their Speaker and other Officers.

It does not expressly state that the House Speaker must be a member of the chamber.

However, many legal experts who have examined the issue believe that the founders intended for the Speaker to be chosen from a pool of elected representatives.

The following from

Steve Bannon on the War Room has called for Trump as Speaker as well.

Bannon said:

All of the big guns running the GOP House are gone except McCarthy.

I said on here over a year ago, that Donald Trump should be the Speaker.  At least come in for an interim of 100 days. Why did I say that? I knew this was going to end up…

… [after talking about a modern day Church commission to investigate the weaponization of the government] …What about Trump and do it for some interim period, maybe 100 days?

Would you not rather have Trump leading in the negotiation of the debt ceiling and the spending than some of these other people?  Would you not?

And that’s what it’s going to come down to.

We’re hurling towards an economic and financial crisis just like the 1930s.  We’re going through a dark valley…

HUGE: Steve Bannon Also Calls for President Trump for Speaker – RELIABLE SOURCE Says President Trump Would Do It!

Imagine what President Trump could accomplish as Speaker of the House in 100 days.


Click HERE to view Steve Bannon discussing a Trump Speakership.


Final thoughts: These are exciting times. This just might be what the Take Back of our Constitutional Republic looks like.

God speed to Conservatism.