For $100, Bernie Sanders Will Tell You How Capitalism Is Bad

Bernie Sanders has never had a real job in his life and somehow became a millionaire with 3 mansions. He didn’t amass this fortune through socialism or communism so it must be capitalism. In related news, the elderly kook will tell you how much capitalism sucks if you pay him $100.

On March 1 at the Anthem theater in Washington D.C., Sanders is hosting an event to promote his new book “It’s Okay To Be Angry About Capitalism.” It is however not okay to be angry about the capitalist practice of charging money for things, because tickets for the event go from $35 to $95. With taxes and fees, those tickets are well over $100.

Bernie’s hypocrisy gets super-sized with this quip from the venue holding his anti-capitalism rally:

Senator Bernie Sanders’ new book, It’s Ok to Be Angry About Capitalism, is a progressive takedown of the uber-capitalist status quo that has enriched millionaires and billionaires at the expense of the working class, and a blueprint for what transformational change would actually look like.

Will he be taking down himself as well or no?

And it gets funnier with this from Penguin Random House, who is publishing this anti-capitalist screed:

Sanders argues that unfettered capitalism is to blame for an unprecedented level of income and wealth inequality, is undermining our democracy, and is destroying our planet.

How can we accept a political system that allows the super rich to buy elections and politicians? How can we accept an energy system that rewards the fossil fuel corporations causing the climate crisis? Sanders believes that, in the face of these overwhelming challenges, the American people must ask tough questions about the systems that have failed us and demand fundamental economic and political change.

Here’s a tough question from an American person: How can a socialist, who became rich in a capitalist system, charge money to tell people how bad capitalism is? Shouldn’t the event and the book at least be free?

I checked, and the book isn’t free. The greedy capitalist book publishing corporation is actually charging $28 for the hardbound edition. I’m almost certain that Bernie didn’t write the book for free either, and probably got a huge advance, plus he will reap the benefits of the sales profits.

The only logical explanation for all of this is that Bernie Sanders is a radical leftist and therefore a giant hypocrite. When he says capitalism is evil, he means it’s evil for you, not him. Capitalism has obviously been very good to him, so he doesn’t want to get it out of his life, just yours.

It’s like how democrats want to disarm the American people with unconstitutional gun control, but have armed guards protecting them and their families. Or how liberals say you can’t use AC or eat beef because it harms the planet, but fly around the world on polluting private jets. Here, Bernie is saying “capitalism for me, and none for thee.”

This is the ultimate scam. Bernie is trying to get richer by badmouthing the system that made him rich. He’s not only counting on capitalism to increase his wealth, but also that there are enough stupid people who won’t notice the hypocrisy of it all.