Biden Refuses To Answer Questions About His Crackhead Son Hunter’s Tax Fraud/Corruption Problems

As part of the deal they had with the democrats, the liberal media agreed to suppress anything embarrassing to Biden and to not ask Joe any questions he can’t answer, which is most of them. The liberal media is still firmly on Joe’s side, but the story of his crackhead son’s tax fraud/Chinese corruption is too big to ignore anymore and they’re asking Biden about it. Joe expected his deal with the liberal media to last forever so it’s not so much that he can’t answer the questions rather than he won’t.

This week it was revealed that Joe’s son Hunter Biden is the target of an investigation of his business dealings. Being a “target” means that there’s sufficient evidence that a crime was committed and the focus of the investigation is tax fraud and money laundering.

This story was broken by the NY Post before the election, but the liberal media suppressed it to help get Joe elected. Now that Biden has stolen the election, the fake news industry is suddenly interested in it. Too bad they can’t get any answers from the guy who they helped steal the White House.

Here’s reporters getting ushered away when one of them asked Jill Biden about Hunter:

If something like that happened with a Trump, the liberal media would cry that he was destroying the 1st Amendment right of a free press. See, the liberal media is still on Biden’s side. They just took one in the ass and didn’t utter a peep.

Now here’s Joe Biden getting asked about Hunter and doing his best to destroy the 1st Amendment right of a free press:

As you can see, when asked if his son had committed a crime, Biden walked off without answering besides saying he is proud of Hunter. I wonder what is Joe’s source of pride with his son. The illegitimate love child with a stripper. The hooker banging? The cousin banging? The crack smoking? The tax fraud? The money laundering? If I had to guess, I’d say Joe is most proud of the kickbacks he gets from Hunter exploiting his dad’s position of power.

I don’t doubt that Joe is cross with Hunter, not for committing any crimes but for getting caught. He however is more pissed that the liberal media is suddenly asking him tough questions. They had a deal to only ask him softball questions like “Why are you so awesome?” and “Is there any limit to your awesomeness?”

Just wait until the liberal media discovers that Joe has a history of inappropriate sexual conduct and racism. Or when they uncover that Biden’s cognitive ability is slipping. Talk about some questions Joe won’t answer.