The Week In WTF? 2/18/23

Joe Biden’s WTF? Transportation Secretary, Pete Buttigieg, finally noticed the toxic chemical spill train wreck in Ohio weeks after it happened. Here’s some other WTF? disasters that might be more his speed:

Headline of the Week

Bulldog Rips Off Man’s Genitals Coverd In Peanut Butter

A 22-year-old man was left in a coma after his genitals were “ripped off and eaten” by a bulldog that had smeared his crotch in peanut butter.

The man, who has not been named, was found lying unconscious inside a flat by emergency crews in Haddington, East Lothian, Scotland.

Neighbors reported hearing the Old English bulldog, named Biggie Smalls after the late rapper, barking at around 4 am and again at 8 am October 7.

Police were called at about 2.30 pm, where they found a blood-spattered scene.

Rumors swirled around the town that the injured man had been held down during the attack; however, it is now believed he was alone with Biggie at the time, although others were present

A police source told The Times the man had “applied peanut butter, or another food spread, to his crotch area” in the moments before he was savaged…

The victim was rushed to Edinburgh Royal Infirmary, but his genitals could not be reattached, after the mauling by the dog, called Biggie Smalls.

A PB and bulldog sandwich is never a good idea.

Question of the Week

Arkansas lawmaker, at a hearing, asks transgender woman if she has a penis

An Arkansas lawmaker shocked onlookers this week when he asked a transgender health care professional about her genitals at a hearing on a bill that would prohibit gender-affirming care for minors.

Gwendolyn Herzig, a pharmacist who is a trans woman, was testifying Monday in support of the treatment for minors during a state Senate Judiciary Committee hearing.

“You said that you’re a trans woman?” Republican state Sen. Matt McKee asked Herzig. “Do you have a penis?”

The audience erupted, with some audibly gasping and at least one person shouting, “Disgraceful.”

“That’s horrible,” Herzig said, after taking a few moments to gather herself. “I don’t know what my rights are, but that question was horribly inappropriate.”

Herzig, who holds a doctorate of pharmacy, then added: “I’m a health care professional, a doctor. Please treat me as such. Next question, please.”

Herzig said she went into Monday’s hearing hoping that Republican lawmakers would be receptive to hearing her perspective as a trans woman and a health professional.

“Any other question I was expecting other than what I got,” Herzig, 33, said in a phone interview with NBC News. “It was probably the most publicly humiliating thing I’ve ever gone through.”

Somehow I feel like being a man pretending to be a woman is way more humiliating.

Doctor No of the Week

Doctor tricks patients into testicle ultrasounds he secretly recorded

A doctor in Ohio has had his license suspended after he was accused of tricking patients to come to his home for ultrasounds and examinations of their testicles, some of which he filmed, officials said.

The State Medical Board of Ohio accused Rudel Anton Saunders of malpractice in a Feb. 8 letter.

Saunders was a resident in training at UC Health, a spokesperson told McClatchy News, but he is no longer affiliated with the University of Cincinnati.

The board alleges Saunders lied to his patients by saying he was required to conduct ultrasound exams for a training program. On five occasions between February 2022 and January 2023, Saunders tricked patients into coming to his apartment, where he conducted medically unnecessary ultrasounds on multiple parts of their bodies, including their testicles, the letter said.

Saunders failed to inform patients about the procedures or obtain proper consent, the board says, and in some cases, he didn’t wear gloves or provide proper coverings for the patients.

In four cases, the board says Saunders recorded the examinations without the knowledge or consent of the patients.

Some dudes are really bad at reading red flags.

Showman of the Week

Maidstone man masturbated at passers-by from his home while naked and high on cocaine

A naked pervert high on cocaine masturbated at passers-by from his home on at least seven occasions.

Daniel Vince carried out the lewd acts either from his front room or bedroom windows at his home in Maidstone.

On one occasion he was even seen sitting on a wall at his home naked carrying out the act.

The 38-year-old was spotted pleasuring himself several times over a two-week period by passers-by and also performed during darker hours with his bedroom light on and curtains wide open.

His perverted ways were reported to police multiple times and when officers attended his home they found pornographic videos with one dubbed ‘Don’t Let The Neighbours Catch Me’.

On at least three occasions he was seen playing with himself by women, with one victim seeing him do it twice.

Vince, a construction site manager, was charged with seven counts of indecent exposure, intentionally exposing his genitals to cause alarm or distress.

Magistrates heard he’d admitted masturbating at his home over a two-week spell on April 3-4, 9, 13, 15, and 17 and then again on another occasion on May 13 of last year.

Magistrates also heard how Vince admitted to police he was high on cocaine at the time he carried out the lewd acts.

He explained he had done it for the thrill of getting caught and that he’d had a cocaine and alcohol addiction for the past 15 years.

Have some coke and a smile.

Ink of the Week

I got a vagina tattoo inked on my face — the artist tried to talk me out of it

A young man has been slammed on social media after having a tattoo of a vagina inked across his right cheek.

Veteran artist Michael Ralph, 40, was tasked with tattooing the intimate image on the face of his 26-year-old client, who has not been publicly identified.

The ink master told NeedToKnow.Online that he initially thought the man was playing a prank when he received the raunchy request.

“I got a message that read: ‘I would like to set an appointment to get a semi-realistic vagina tattooed on my face more specifically in my sideburn,’ ” Ralph recalled.

The client added that he had a “limited budget” and wanted to have the inking done in less than an hour.

“My first thought was, ‘Am I reading this right?’ ” Ralph — who is based in Washington, DC, — said. “I read it again, and there was no mistake. My second thought was ‘Did he lose a bet?’ “

After receiving the request, the tattooist told the client to wait a month to make sure it wasn’t a “spur-of-the-moment decision.”

To the artist’s surprise, the client followed up 30 days later, saying he was still interested in the ink.

“I told him it may close doors of opportunity that would be open if he didn’t have a vagina tattooed on his face — that he may lose his job or not get hired in the future,” Ralph stated.

The customer was undeterred, and Ralph subsequently performed the inking. He took snaps of his handiwork and posted them to his Instagram page.

That’s probably as close to a vagina as that dude will ever get.

Power Boobs of the Week

I can lift a 45-pound barbell with my breasts: ‘How the pyramids were built’

A woman named Keyona has gone viral on TikTok for putting powerlifters to shame by hoisting a giant table aloft using just her outsized breasts. A video showcasing her impromptu furniture rack has amassed over 45.8 million views on TikTok.

The abundantly buxom gal — who goes by @keyonat@3 — had filmed the stunt in response to another influencer named @joss_maura, who posted a video of herself lifting a plastic storage container with one of her cans.

Needless to say, her unusual feat of strength astonished viewers TikTok with one awestruck gawker exclaiming: “When I tell you my jaw DROPPED.”

“I think this is how the pyramids were built,” quipped one TikTok wit, while another wrote, “This would be so helpful when moving.”

Hoisting tables aren’t the only routine in Keyona’s cleavage-based act: She also posted a video of herself holding a 45-pound barbell aloft under the weight of her bosom. Keyona said she’d filmed the stunt to disprove haters who claimed it was “fake” or that she was using tape or rope to prop up the table.

A real hater might point out she could lose some weight by working out with that barbell.

Review of the Week

Ballet director who smeared dog feces in critic’s face fired

The director of a leading German ballet company is being investigated by police and has been fired for smearing dog feces on a critic’s face after taking offense to a review she wrote.

According to journalist Wiebke Hüster, Marco Goecke, the head of Hanover State Opera’s ballet company, verbally attacked her during the intermission of a ballet premiere performance. The confrontation seems to have been spurred by a previous review that Hüster had written, Hüster said.

“Goecke rubbed the dog feces hard and most brutally into my face,” Hüster told CNN Wednesday. “It was in an open dog plastic bag which usually is tied up with a knot,” the journalist added.

“I was completely guileless when he approached me because he spoke calmly, otherwise I would have turned away, but his bright red face showed his excitement,” Hüster said. “The bystanders were paralyzed with shock while I was screaming and crying.”

Goecke apologized to Hüster and all affected for his “absolutely unacceptable action,” in a statement sent to CNN Tuesday.

Goecke told public broadcaster NDR on Tuesday that Hüster had been “throwing sh*t” at him “for years.” He said that his dachshund left feces in his dog bag, which he then used to attack Hüster. “Of course I have to justify myself and of course it’s not right that this happened in this opera house, in this public space, and of course, it’s also a fact that spectators were frightened and I’m incredibly sorry about that,” Goecke told NDR.

Great art doesn’t need to apologize.

Pisser of the Week

Key West businessman shoots, kills unarmed man urinating on building, prosecutor says

A Key West business owner was arrested after he shot and killed an unarmed man urinating on the side of his building early Monday morning, according to Monroe County’s top prosecutor.

Lloyd Preston Brewer III, 57, shot Garrett Hughes, 21, just before 12:30 a.m. outside the Searstown shopping center along North Roosevelt Boulevard, police said.

Key West Fire Rescue crews took Hughes to Lower Keys Medical Center, where he was pronounced dead, according to police.

Monroe County State Attorney Dennis Ward told Local 10 News that Brewer, who owns a building containing a bar and other tenants, reportedly confronted Hughes, who was drunk, for urinating along the wall of the building.

Ward said surveillance video showed Brewer, who was also drunk, getting out of his car to confront Hughes, who was shirtless and unarmed.

“(Hughes) is kind of stumbling around and (Brewer) pulls up his shirt, pulls out a gun and pumps a shot into his stomach,” Ward said.

Ward said that Brewer may have fired another shot. He said Brewer then called 911 to report that he shot Hughes in self-defense, “but the video doesn’t support that theory.”

“That’s a whole new level of senselessness, isn’t it?” Ward said.

Ward said investigators have found no evidence of any prior disputes between Brewer and Hughes.

Brewer, listed on the Monroe County Jail roster as a Key Haven resident, was booked on a second-degree murder charge and a weapons charge.

This is what happens when piss and piss drunk meet pissed off.

Horse Fly of the Week

‘Sick’ man, 34, pleads guilty to bestiality after being caught having sex with former Dover mayor’s horse

Phillip Henry was seen with his trousers down and violating the cob horse inside a livery in the Kent town on his way back from work.

The horse is owned by town councillor Neil Rix, and was purchased for his grandchildren six years ago.

Mr Rix said he learned of what happened when an employee phoned him after checking on the animals.

“She phoned me and she was hysterical,” he said.

“She said she checked on the ponies, like we do a couple of times each day, when she saw him.

“As she got right up to him she realised his pants were around his ankles and he was giggling.

“She screamed at him and he pulled away looking mortified. He ran and she chased him and we got the police involved.

“I told her to get the horse straight into the stable and called the vet, who was there within 20 minutes.

“I said to the vet ‘I don’t care how much it costs, I want a proper DNA sample taken’. Eventually they arrested him and he was charged.”

Henry pleaded guilty to bestiality today at Canterbury Crown Court, having previously denied assaulting the horse, Kent Online reported.

The groundworker, who is awaiting sentence, has been forbidden from going near “any sort of animal with a hoof”.

Henry was arrested soon after veterinary swabs identified his DNA inside the horse’s vagina.

He initially denied bestiality, claiming that the horse had been contaminated with sperm inadvertently after he ejaculated in the field.

Cllr Rix called Henry “sick” and voiced his relief that his grandchildren didn’t witness the horror.

“He’s a sick b****** who deserves to be castrated. It’s horrendous.

He’s hung like a horse but should be hanged like a horse f*cker.

Baby Bump of the Week

Bloke ‘engaged to rag doll’ shares she’s ‘pregnant’ with bizarre ‘maternity’ photos

A man who started a family with his rag doll fiancée has announced that his partner is “pregnant” with a third child.

Documenting the bizarre relationship on the @montbk959 TikTok account, the Colombian bloke shared maternity photos showing his plastic girlfriend with a bump under her top.

He reckons the doll, which he’s called Natalia, is the love of his life. He had – shockingly – been single for a number of years before the pair met.

The baby will be his and Natalia’s third, with two smaller plastic rag dolls completing the family.

It would appear the new baby is to be called Sammy as the couple appeared in recent videos wearing matching t-shirts with “Papa de Sammy” and “Mama de Sammy” written across them (“Sammy’s dad” and “Sammy’s mum”).

One of the videos announcing the pretend pregnancy has been viewed over 2.2million times and received over 72,000 likes.

In another video, which has been viewed over 237,000 times, Natalia and the man throw a baby shower for Sammy.

The man has previously confronted his followers about their concerns and vocal criticism of his relationship.

He told them: “If it weren’t for the dolls, I would be more alone than anyone. At least I have something.

“With my Natalia we watch TV and talk about everything.

“They don’t know how much I love her, I’ve lasted all this year with her.”

Not as bad as the horse f*cker, but way creepier.

WTF? of the Week

Hobby Club’s Missing Balloon Feared Shot Down By USAF

A small, globe-trotting balloon declared “missing in action” by an Illinois-based hobbyist club on Feb. 15 has emerged as a candidate to explain one of the three mystery objects shot down by four heat-seeking missiles launched by U.S. Air Force fighters since Feb. 10.

The club—the Northern Illinois Bottlecap Balloon Brigade (NIBBB)—is not pointing fingers yet.

But the circumstantial evidence is at least intriguing. The club’s silver-coated, party-style, “pico balloon” reported its last position on Feb. 10 at 38,910 ft. off the west coast of Alaska, and a popular forecasting tool—the HYSPLIT model provided by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)—projected the cylindrically shaped object would be floating high over the central part of the Yukon Territory on Feb. 11. That is the same day a Lockheed Martin F-22 shot down an unidentified object of a similar description and altitude in the same general area.

There are suspicions among other prominent members of the small, pico-ballooning enthusiasts’ community, which combines ham radio and high-altitude ballooning into a single, relatively affordable hobby.

“I tried contacting our military and the FBI—and just got the runaround—to try to enlighten them on what a lot of these things probably are. And they’re going to look not too intelligent to be shooting them down,” says Ron Meadows, the founder of Scientific Balloon Solutions (SBS), a Silicon Valley company that makes purpose-built pico balloons for hobbyists, educators and scientists.

The descriptions of all three unidentified objects shot down Feb. 10-12 match the shapes, altitudes and payloads of the small pico balloons, which can usually be purchased for $12-180 each, depending on the type.

And yet, Joe let a Chinese spy balloon fly 2000 miles over U.S. air space.