Commentary for a Sunday: Rep. Boebert Sponsors House Bill to Declare ‘National Gun of the United States’ – Liberals Will Hate What They Picked

House Republicans, including Colorado Representative Lauren Boebert, are sponsoring a bill that is sure to rile the left.

This from

According to the New York Post:

Boebert is joined by Reps. George Santos of New York and Andrew Clyde of Georgia in cosponsoring H.R. 1095, which would declare a “National Gun of the United States.”

The bill was introduced last week by Alabama Rep. Barry Moore.

While that by itself is enough to anger the communists/globalists, who for years have been railing against the Second Amendment, the gun that is named in the bill is sure to anger them even more.


The text of the bill has not yet been received, but the purpose of the bill as stated on is:

To declare an AR-15 style rifle chambered in a .223 Remington round or a 5.56x45mm NATO round to be the National Gun of the United States.

This does seem like an obvious choice for the national gun. After all, the AR-15 is easily the most recognizable rifle in the United States.

According to, [AR-15] is the second most popular rifle in terms of sales.

Yet there may be some who argue that another gun might be more representative of the country, such as a 1911 pistol carried by law enforcement, or an M-14, which was the standard issue military rifle.

But there is a simpler political reason that these GOP representatives have chosen to propose the AR-15.

That is because, whenever the debates over the Second Amendment and gun control come into the public light, the AR-15 is the weapon that incurs the wrath of the left more than any other.

Perhaps the most infamous instance of this was during the 2020 [democrat communist/globalist] primaries, when Beto O’Rourke explicitly called for banning and confiscating all AR-15s.

But more broadly, after every mass shooting, the communists/globalists are always quick to call for a ban on “assault weapons” and their gaze immediately turns to the AR-15, which many of them mischaracterize as an “assault rifle.”

Of course, the [communists/globalists] often ignore the fact that most of the time, the guns used in mass shootings were already illegal under state law, and criminals cleverly skirted the laws to get them. Existing restrictions do absolutely nothing to stop mass shootings.

Yet the [Left is] so blinded by their political ideology that they are unwilling to face the facts about mass shootings and would rather just ban guns.


Beyond all the politics, however, there is the fact that guns have become something of an American icon, alongside bald eagles, baseball, apple pie and bison.

It was the fact that the colonists were able to keep and bear arms that allowed them to resist British tyranny and win our independence during the American Revolution.

Foreigners often think of guns and the Second Amendment when they think of America. The right to keep and bear arms is, in many ways, synonymous with America. It is what makes us unique.

A national gun may not be such a bad idea. Besides the political aspects of this recognition, it is also a way to recognize an important part of our American culture that makes us unique.

Final thought: As great as this idea is, until Conservatism is back in control of both Houses of Congress as well as the Executive Branch, this bill—SADLY—will go nowhere slowly.