Manchin Is Switching Sides on Alaska Project

You don’t have to be an energy expert to know the Obiden Regime destroyed the American industry.

Biden immediately shut down America’s fossil fuel industry by canceling leases to drill on federal land. And he shut down other projects that provided safe, cheap oil and gas for Americans.

This from

Of course, energy prices skyrocketed. But democrats communists/globalists refused to do anything. Actually, they were doing something: They were striving to destroy our once-great nation.

The Left seems to care more about their climate activism than Americans making ends meet. Republicans have pushed for years to restore America’s energy independence. Finally, it seems, and only the devil may know why, The Regime is making oil drilling available, if only a little bit.

And one communist/globalist Senator is defying his party’s attempt to fight the White House.

From Fox News:

[Communist/Globalist] West Virginia Sen. Joe Manchin joined his Republican colleagues Monday in support of Joe Biden’s decision to approve a massive oil drilling project in Alaska, despite a number of his fellow [Leftists] accusing [The Regime] of contradicting its own climate policies…

The [Obiden Regime] announced Monday that it was moving forward with approving the massive 30-year oil drilling project over objections from climate activists and [Leftist] lawmakers about its environmental impact.

Illogical at best, The Regime is only reapproving something it shut down two years ago. However, this comes with a word of gratitude to Republicans for continuing to call out the Obiden failures on American energy.

After two years of rising gas prices and a struggling economy, The Regime has been forced to admit defeat. At least in this one area, Joe-Joe is doing something to reverse a national suicidal decision.


Even still, the lion’s share of his party is against it.


Communists/Globalists are outraged that we might soon have access to safe, affordable energy.

Don’t buy their claims that drilling for oil in Alaska is “unsafe.”

Modern drilling can both extract needed resources while ensuring the environment is protected.

Leftists want to shut down oil and natural gas, only because they have been compromised by the globalists.

Further, China and other nations don’t want America producing fossil fuels, because it increases competition worldwide. So, the left has become useful idiots, whining about the environment. All the while, Saudi Arabia and others become richer.

Sen. Joe Manchin broke from his own party to support The Regime’s move. Without strong support from Republicans and moderates like Manchin, this wouldn’t happen. With the House under Republican control and with Manchin aligning with Republicans, this initiative can go through.

Final thought: Perhaps one day soon we will be able to afford to fill the tank.