Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders Chastised One School District Who Gave Teachers White Privilege Survey

Arkansas Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders gave one school a blazing red F for what she called “indoctrination.”

This from

Sanders tweeted that she came down hard on the Fayetteville School district over a survey issued to teachers during staff training that told white teachers how to reject their white privilege.

Sanders tweeted:

My administration will not tolerate CRT or indoctrination in Arkansas schools. We’ve reached out to the district to ensure teachers aren’t forced to sign this pledge. It won’t happen again.

She wrote:


We will teach kids how to think, not what to think!


According to Fox News:

[T]he survey has been yanked from future use, as indicated by a letter sent by Fayetteville Public Schools Superintendent John L. Colbert.

The letter said the survey may have violated the ban Sanders imposed against promoting critical race theory in Arkansas schools.

A parent group called Moms for Liberty very publicly blew the whistle on the schools by posting sections of the survey on its Twitter account.

In one section, teachers were asked whether they reject:

Any privileges that come with white racial identity and if they advocate for cultural competency and social justice effectively and professionally.


Teachers were also asked if they were aware of how biased they were.


The survey wanted to know if teachers allow students in their classes to question:


[B]ias assumptions or behaviors observed in our school environment.


The survey also wanted teachers to explain if they were:


[B]rave equity warriors.


Moms for Liberty posted:

This survey compels teachers to acknowledge that, if white, they are biased, racist, & privileged.

The survey does not measure IF a teacher is racist and privileged, but rather how far down the racist and privileged continuum their answers rate them. This is outrageous.

FPS admin & school board must immediately explain this survey, its intent and how it will be used. No teacher should be forced to complete such a survey.

The group posted:

If there was any question about the presence of CRT in our district, this survey removes all doubt.

Take a moment to read the survey in its entirety.

It is a tool used by social justice activists promoting a social justice agenda at the expense of our teachers & our kids.

The group said:

The integrity of our teachers and the academic excellence our children deserve is at stake.

This will be stopped… Why? Because it’s the right thing to do.

According to Fox News:

Colbert’s letter said the survey was not required or collected, but it was used as a self-reflection tool.

Final thoughts: “…used as a self-reflection tool.” Wrong answer, Superintendent Colbert. You have teachers reflecting on off-limits information. The Superintendent should be fired for cause immediately as well should anyone else involved in distributing this survey.

Our system of education has been lost to those intent on transforming America. These groomers have drunk the Kool Aid and must be watched closely by the parents. Violators must be fired. Also, our colleges and universities must be scrubbed clean of this woke communist/globalist infection.

God speed to Conservatism and God speed to the Take Back of our Constitutional Republic.