Did You Hear About The Black Scumbag Who Killed Two Men Because They Were White?

While the liberal media is desperately trying to the portray the Hispanic Texas mall shooter with Hispanic gang tattoos as a white supremacist, an actual race-based murder spree has gone unnoticed. Nearly a month ago, a black man in Tulsa, Oklahoma murdered two white men because of the color of their skin and there’s been nothing but media silence.

This racial hate crime took place on April 18 but for some reason, only a small number of media outlets reported it just a few days ago. One of them, The NY Post, reports that homeless black scumbag, Carlton Gilford, has been charged with two counts of first-degree murder, two counts of shooting with intent to kill, and one count of malicious intimidation or harassment. That last charge is Oklahoma’s version of a hate crime.

On April 18, around 9:40 a.m, Gilford walked into the Rudisill Library in Tulsa, Oklahoma. He approached 35-year-old Lundin Hathcock, a white man who was seated, and shot him in the back of the head. Hathcock was rushed to the hospital, where he died from his injuries.

Gilford then went to a nearby QuikTrip convenience store in search of more white victims. He walked up behind 55-year-old James McDaniel and shot him in the back of the head as well. When McDaniel fell, Gilford shot him again, killing him at the scene.

From there, Gilford exited the QuikTrip and shot at a security guard and another person. The NY Post doesn’t say if those two were also white, but thankfully they weren’t hit. When police arrived, Gilford was just chillin’ outside the convenience store and readily admitted to the murders.

Tulsa County District Attorney Steve Kunzweiler said he has evidence that Gilford killed the men because they were white, though he didn’t elaborate on it.

“The information suggests that race played a role in it. I feel like that is something we can prove, and it is something that a judge or jury obviously needs to listen to. So, we will present that information along with everything else,” Kunzweiler said.

Gilford killed two white man, has been charged with a hate crime, and the DA says he can prove it was racially-motivated. Where’s the media outrage? A Google search of the black killer’s name returns barely 3 pages of results and they are all local news stories with the exception of The NY Post and a Fox News piece. There is not one single mention from The NY Times, WaPo, CNN, MSNBC, or any of the liberal networks.

Do a Google search for “White Supremacist” and there are thousands of hits from the liberal media outlets proclaiming Hispanic Texas mall shooter, Mauricio Garcia, a white supremacist neo-Nazi.

The Tulsa murders were clearly racially-motivated, and require no fake news trickery to prove. The problem however lies in the liberal media narrative that only white men are capable of racial violence. A black piece of shit murdering two random white strangers obviously doesn’t fit with the leftist agenda of demonizing white people and portraying minorities as victims.