NYT Identifies Worst Racists Of All Time: Nice White Parents

As a general rule, when you single out a group of people, based on race, and accuse them of being the cause of some problem, that’s racist. That rule however only applies to non-liberals so The New York Times is free to identify white parents as the reason why education for minorities in this country is so bad. Even cooler, invoking their liberal privilege, the NYT isn’t even under any obligation to explain this absurdly racist conspiracy theory.

Either this is real of the NYT is trying to get in on The Onion’s parody racket:

Sadly, this is real:

“Nice White Parents” is a new podcast from Serial Productions, brought to you by The New York Times, about the 60-year relationship between white parents and the public school down the block.

We know that American public schools do not guarantee each child an equal education — two decades of school reform initiatives have not changed that. But when we look at how our schools are failing, we usually focus on who they’re failing: Black and brown kids. We ask: Why aren’t they performing better? Why aren’t they achieving more?

Those are not the right questions.

If you want to understand what’s wrong with our public education system, you have to look at what is arguably the most powerful force in our schools: White parents.

“For years I’ve been looking for an answer to the question: ‘Why don’t public schools work better? What is getting in the way of each child getting and equal opportunity,  an equal education?’ But now, I think I’ve been looking in the wrong places for what’s broken in our schools. I think you can’t understand what’s broken if you don’t look here at one of the most powerful forces shaping public education; white parents,” said host Chana Joffe-Walt.

White people have broken public education. White people are what’s wrong with public education. White people are the reason black kids get a shitty education. White people are keeping black people down. These all seem like terribly racist statements, but they come from a liberal kook with a hyphenated last name so under the rules of liberalism, it’s fine.

This is the Unified Racial Grievance Bullshit Field Theory. Not only isn’t it black students or their parents’ fault they don’t value education, it’s actually helpful civically-engaged white parents who are to blame.

This is also another tied leftist attempt to portray all white people as racist, though the approach is slightly unique. Rather that claiming white people are racist by virtue of their skin color, the NYT is saying they are racist because they care about their children’s education and volunteer at school to make things the best they can be.

This garbage theory seems to think that education is a zero-sum game in which if white kids get a good education that steals it away from the black kids. And that may be the dumbest thing about this. Perhaps if black parents took even the slightest interest in their own children’s education, they might might have decent outcome too.

I know, know, it’s totally racist to suggest black people take responsibility for their actions or inaction, but it’s the only solution that will work and that doesn’t cost us billions of wasted dollars.