St. Paul Schools Kicked Out Cops, Staff Now Terrified to Work, Students Terrified to Attend

Police defunding fever was running high in the Twin Cities. It was 2020 and the heyday of the Black Lives Matter race riots over the drug overdose death of violent career criminal George Floyd.

This from

St. Paul School Board Director Chauntyll Allen declared as the district voted not to renew its contract with the St. Paul Police Department:


Divesting in police is investing in black lives.


A Somali Muslim student with the last name Omar claimed that police officers had “brutalized multiple Muslim girls” and attacked their hijabs.

After the vote, Omar claimed:


[R]emoving police officers means

better safety and less trauma for black and brown kids.


Another student named Muhammad promised that:


[R]emoving police from schools

is an important step toward true safety.


However, a St. Paul Public Schools survey found that 55% of high school staff feel unsafe at work, 71% of staffers had seen physical violence in school. and 40% were worried about weapons in schools.


Three years afterward, true safety has NOT been achieved.


The two most popular requests made by the terrified school staffers are to get serious about punishing violent students and to bring in police officers to restore safety and security.

The Black Lives Matter campaign to “save black lives” by keeping police officers out of school led to the stabbing death of Devin Scott: a 15-year-old black teenage boy by a 16-year-old black teenager in a high school hallway.

Scott’s memorial service was commemorated by a drive-by shooting in which passengers in a white car opened fire and shot three teens at the service.

The youngest victim of that shooting was 14-years-old. Police stopped a 16-year-old with a gun but aren’t sure if he was one of the shooters or one of those being shot at. Earlier another 16-year-old had been shot in the head across the street from St. Paul’s Central High School.

Ramsey County Sheriff Bob Fletcher said:

This incident, that Devin Scott was killed in, he would not have been killed if a police officer was present to intervene rather than school staff.

Anthony Scott, Devin’s uncle, sadly said:

I agree with him.

St. Paul schools had replaced school resource officers, who were police, with school support liaisons who were supposed to “build relationships with students.”


Social workers proved to be useless when protecting staff

or stopping a teenage boy from being stabbed to death.


Superintendent Joe Gothard warned that without the police, the staff have to call the cops to stop an attack and wait for them to arrive.

There is a level of support that is required from time to time that we’re just not equipped to do as a school staff. Seconds and minutes really do add up.

The cops have now been stationed outside schools, because the BLMers don’t want them inside, but parents and students are demanding that the cops come in from the cold.

Valeria Barrios-Sanchez, a student who saw Devin murdered, asked for the police to come back. She told board members:

I am a senior, and this is supposed to be my most memorable year. It will be. Unfortunately, I have to remember it as the year I witnessed a homicide.

I implore the board to make a decision to help the future generations at Harding.

A former parent and track coach warned:

If we don’t address school safety, we will continue to victimize our most vulnerable population, which are young black men. They are the ones being shot and stabbed. For sure there is a school to prison pipeline. But there is also a school to hospital to morgue pipeline.

Ali Alowonle, an Asian “Liberatory Educator”, a teacher and DEI activist whose pronouns are “they/she”, however, ranted that:

[T]he district needed to divest from police and focus on restorative practices, ethnic studies curriculum and instruction, reimagining family.


Imagine the value an ethnic studies curriculum

would have been when Devin was stabbed.


Chauntyll Allen fumed:

Folks have been dying to get Police back in the buildings to monitor our black children.

According to her, a school resource officer:

Is still a killer cop.

But it wasn’t a cop that killed Devin, [it was] one of the beneficiaries of St. Paul’s embrace of Black Lives Matter and its pro-crime policies.


A cop didn’t kill Devin, Chauntyll Allen’s policies did.


When the St. Paul board voted 5-1 to remove cops from schools, they also voted 5-1 to kill Devin and to let gang members and teenage drug dealers terrorize their employees.

What’s happening in St. Paul schools reflects the larger crisis over police defunding and rising crime that has wrecked the Twin Cities.


In 2021, St. Paul set a record for murders and again in 2022.


Pro-crime policies like police defunding and crime legalization, along with support for Black Lives Matter, has led to murders of mostly black people. High schools are at the bleeding edge of the crime wave.

Pro-crime policies have cost lives in and out of the schools.

And yet the Left has not given up claiming that violent crime is a problem that can be solved with ethnic studies and a whole range of buzzwords.

When police were pulled out of schools, activists claimed that would make black students safer.

The students aren’t safe, neither are the workers, nor is anyone else.

Final thought: We can be certain if the globalists were to successfully take full control of America one of their first orders of business would be to brutally suppress crime.