CNN Audience Applauds as President Trump Promises to Pardon January 6 Political Prisoners—BTW “Mercy Rule” Imposed, Trump Kicked A**

President Trump appeared at a live CNN town hall event on Wednesday evening.

To paraphrase: He came, He saw, He Conquered.

This from

CNN’s leftist host Kaitlan Collins moderated the town hall.

CNN is famous for planting questions in the crowd during their town halls. And President Trump was brilliant.

At one point in the town hall President Trump was asked if he will pardon the January 6 rioters that were convicted.

CNN audience member:

Will you pardon the January 6 rioters who were convicted of federal offences?

President Trump:  

I am inclined to pardon many of them. I can’t say for every single one because a couple of them probably got out of control. But you know when you look at it, when you look at Antifa what they’ve done to Portland. When you look at Antifa and what they’ve done to Minneapolis and so many other places. Look what they did to Seattle and BLM, many people were killed. I’m not trying to justify anything. But you have two standards of justice in this country

… And then what they’ve done to these people, they’ve persecuted these people. And yeah, my answer is, if I get in … it will be a large portion of… And what they’ve done to so many people is nothing. Nothing! And then what they’ve done to these people is they’ve persecuted these people. And yeah, my answer is, I will most likely if I get in, I will say most likely it will be a large portion of them.  (Audience Applause)

It will be very early on. And they’re living in hell. And they’re policemen and they’re firemen, and they’re soldiers, and they’re carpenters, and they’re electricians, and they’re great people. Many of them are just great people.

Via Vigilant Fox.

The following from

The following briefly covers the rationale for CNN imposing the “Mercy Rule”:

CNN cut short the network’s town hall with President Trump Wednesday night by twenty minutes after Trump, backed by a wildly supportive audience (hand picked by CNN), took control of the forum from anchor Kaitlan Collins right from the start and never let up.

The live event at St. Anselm College in New Hampshire was scheduled to run from 8 p.m. EDT until 9:30 p.m., however right before 9:10 p.m. Collins abruptly ended the town hall.

Puck’s Dylan Byers reported on CNN cutting the town hall short:

Note: The CNN Town Hall was a 90 minute broadcast, though the network expected the actual event to go as long as 75 minutes. They stopped less than 70 minutes in. In other words, they could have gone longer if they wanted—which is usually what executives do with big ratings draws.

Exchanges like these were why CNN threw in the towel.

And further a**kicking:

The only thing Kaitlan Collins did that was correct was to call President Trump, ‘Mr. President.’

Final thoughts: Next question, Will those who violated the constitution and incarcerated the J6ers ever meet their justice?