FBI ‘White Supremacist’ Patriot Front Marches On Washington

The sad thing is the FBI actually thinks people are buying their Patriot Front group as legitimate white supremacists. Actually, it’s even sadden because the liberal media goes along with this pathetic ruse. In any case, these undercover feds marched on Washington DC this weekend to help Joe Biden out with some of his bullshit.

Biden was at Howard University in Washington, this weekend, uniting the nation by telling the black grads that whitey is out to get them:

He was at a black historically black college and university? Also, that’s exactly why he lied about white supremacy being the most dangerous threat to our country, He was pandering.

Clearly there are much bigger threats to America than the non-existent problem of white supremacists, but just in case someone from the fake news industry decided to fact-check, the FBI had Joe’s lying back:

Really? Who actually recognizes them as a right-wing organization?

The have jobs. They work for the FBI.

That was a nice show for the liberal media, wasn’t it? I particularly like the guy in the first video carrying a camcorder. What, the feds won’t spring for an iPhone?

As is the case whenever the Patriot Front hold a march, they walk around for about an hour, not saying anything white supremacist-related, and then pile into a U-Haul and drive away. What is the actual point of this? I mean besides trying to fool people into thinking there is a white supremacist threat.

If these guys were in any way legit, they would have an online presence. These guys have to know that everyone thinks they are feds, so why isn’t there anyone online defending this group? The reason is, because they are bullshit.

All the other white supremacist groups have websites, social media accounts, message boards, and messaging app channels. The reason is because this is how these groups recruit members. How did the Patriot Front get together? Did they contact each other psychically? Maybe an ad in The Pennysaver?

It would be very easy for journalists to identify who these people are by simply finding out who rented the U-Haul. Better yet, just follow the trucks and see where they go. Probably the FBI building, or maybe the FBI training facility in Quantico, Virginia. They won’t however because they already know it’s FBI guys and they must defend leftist propaganda at all costs.

In a weird way, this fake Patriot Front march does prove Joe Biden right. The FBI is the biggest domestic terrorism threat this country faces. He didn’t mean it like that, but he’s wrong so often, we’ll give him a partial win.