Commentary: Open Border Catastrophe is the Cloward-Piven Plan to Destroy America—Wayne Allyn Root and Barack Hussein Obama Learned This Lesson at Columbia University

This open border disaster is not a new story. It is a plan that was created many decades ago by leftist radicals intent on destroying America— and Barack Hussein Obama were there—one as a witness the other as a student thereof.

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I am a blue-collar S.O.B. (son of a butcher) from the wrong side of the tracks: a poor, majority-black town on the Bronx borderline. I attended almost all-black middle school and high school in Mount Vernon, New York. After I graduated valedictorian, I was accepted at prestigious Ivy League Columbia University.


“What I found there shocked me to the core.”


Columbia University was filled with spoiled-brat ‘lucky sperm club’ privileged white kids who were obsessed with hatred for America. These radical nutjobs bragged about being communists and Marxists. They bragged about their hatred of white people (even though they were white themselves). They bragged about hating rich people (even though they were from rich families themselves).

This was one gigantic guilt trip. These white students hated themselves, their country, their parents, their wealth and most of all, their whiteness.

They talked all day long about their plans to bring America down; destroy the economy; bankrupt white businessmen; and create “equality and fairness” by turning America into a socialist/Marxist/communist country.


“It’s important to note that one of my

classmates at Columbia was Barack Obama.”



Wayne Allyn Root and Barack Hussein Obama graduated in spring of 1983.

The above-noted Columbia University radicals (and traitors) had a plan named Cloward-Piven. It was named after two Columbia University professors: the husband-and-wife team of Richard Cloward and Frances Fox Piven.

The plan was actually simple:

[G]et everyone possible in America on welfare, food stamps and a hundred other government welfare programs.

Get so many on the government dole that the economy is overwhelmed, destroyed and collapses under the weight of the exploding national debt.

Basically, America goes bankrupt.

At this point, Americans would be in so much pain and so frightened that they would beg government to save them.

And that is how they would:


“[F]undamentally change America forever.”


Remember those words? They came out of the mouth of Barack Hussein Obama. He learned those words and this plan at Columbia.

Because of the collapse of the economy and society, Cloward and Piven believed America would be ready for socialism: bailouts, a permanent welfare state and a monthly universal-income check.

The goal? Equality, equity, social justice. Recognize those words? Everyone would be in the same boat—dependent on Big Brother for survival.


“Look around. It’s all happening right now.”


Except Cloward-Piven has been updated. It’s now 100% about the border. If you can’t get everyone in America on welfare to explode the debt, overwhelm the economy and collapse the country, open the border and invite the whole world in.

The world is filled with such terrible, miserable poverty that Americans can’t even imagine it. The poor in America are rich compared to the rest of the world. And that is why the whole world is coming.

They know the border is open. The whole of Africa is coming. The whole Middle East is coming. China is sending millions of military-age males. Haiti is coming. Latin America is coming. Prisons are being emptied.

An invasion of America is underway.

If you were poor… if you were starving… if you had nothing… if you were a criminal… if you were sick… if you were pregnant… if you had 10 kids… if you were a child with no future… wouldn’t you come to America?


“Trust me; everyone is coming.

They all know the border is open.”


They know they get free money, and all kinds of welfare checks, cellphones, plane tickets wherever they want to go, free legal help, free school and free medical. Wouldn’t you come?

What if a hundred million come? What if a half-billion come? What if a billion come? There is nothing stopping them.

They will tip us into mass poverty, crisis, anarchy and a crime wave you can’t even imagine.

They will bring disease.

The schools and healthcare systems will collapse.

The national debt will explode, the budget will be overwhelmed and the economy will collapse.


“This is Cloward-Piven updated for 2023.”


It all happened because Democrats (i.e., socialists, Marxists and communists) rigged and stole a presidential election.

Then they banned even the mention of rigged and stolen elections—with the full cooperation of mainstream media and social media.

For the next two years they opened the border to let millions in. Now they’ve managed to end Title 42 for the final explosion that ends America and American exceptionalism forever.


“[And] a brain-dead zombie puppet with diapers and

dementia is not the brains behind this brilliant plan.”


This is the Cloward-Piven plan that was taught at Columbia to Wayne Allyn Root and Barack Hussein Obama.

And the man carrying it all out to perfection is the real president of the United States: Barack Hussein Obama. He is back for his third term to finish the job he started—to “fundamentally change America forever.”

And the next phase of the plan is to replace corrupt, mentally failing Joe-Joe Biden with Big Mike Obama in 2024. If this comes to pass, that will be BHO’s fourth term.

Our mission, fellow Patriots, is to prevent any more of this from happening. There is a Plan. But how much longer can we Trust The Plan without seeing any of its results?