Trump’s First Stop After Leaving Miami Courthouse Isn’t Mar-a-Lago: ‘Absolutely BRILLIANT’

President Trump chose not to immediately return to his Mar-a-Lago estate following his arraignment at the Miami federal courthouse Tuesday, rather he hit a favorite spot in the city instead.

This from

There are numerous social media posts of the 45th president stopping at Versailles Cuban Bakery, where he received an outpouring of support.

Newsmax host Eric Bolling tweeted:

Absolutely BRILLIANT call to stop at Cafe Versailles. An awesome Cuban bakery in Miami. Calle Ocho.

While there, Trump was serenaded with a rendition of “Happy Birthday.”

Trump turned 77 on Wednesday, which also happened to be “Flag Day,” as well as the 248th birthday of the U.S. Army.

Trump responded by saying:

What a great group of people.

He also told the restaurant’s owner that he would pay for everyone’s food in the cafe.

Food for everyone.

A small group gathered and prayed with the president.

Florida GOP Congressman Byron Donalds tweeted:

The power of PRAYER. May God bless and keep President Trump and his family.

Apparently, acting under the guidance of ‘No good deed goes unpunished,’ CNN host Jake Tapper, directed his control room not to show any more footage from the bakery.

And Tapper saw fit to say:

I don’t need to see any more of that. He’s trying to turn it into a spectacle and into a campaign ad. That is enough of that. We’ve seen it already.

For Tapper, the juxtaposition of CNN pushing the narrative, ‘Trump’s a very bad guy, likely even a criminal’ did not work well with the man and the legend being so well received by We the People and him also demonstrating such sincere warmth and generosity.

Meanwhile, Fox News contributor Katie Pavlich responded to the scene:

Incredible. This is why nobody in the Republican field can beat him. Maybe that will change, but doubtful.

Side Note: What could Pavlich have meant by, ‘Maybe that will change…’? She wasn’t for Trump from the start but she had since praised his win over Hillary. Not a nice dig by her, to say the least.

Americans—people in general—like to see their leaders display grace under pressure.

It is reminiscent, in a way, of Ronald Reagan’s response after he was shot in 1981.

He quipped to the medical staff at George Washington University Hospital about to operate on him:

Please tell me you’re all Republicans.

The people loved it!

Reagan’s approval rating rocketed up to 73 percent in a Washington Post/ABC News poll.

Obviously, what Trump experienced Tuesday was not as consequential or pressure-filled as the attempt on Reagan’s life, but the Obiden Regime is trying to kill the Republican’s political life.

In fact, the Justice Department has charged Trump with enough alleged crimes to keep him in jail for the rest of his days on this earth, over alleged document-handling offenses.

Precedent setting, if not insanity.

Those who dismiss his behavior as showmanship are either fearful or feebleminded. Trump displayed the leadership our beloved country is lacking Tuesday and he has rightly earned plaudits.