Americans Urged to Fight the Obden Regime’s Plan to submit to WHO Child Sex Ideology

A top-flight legal team that has, for years, actively worked to protect religious rights and fight the leftism of the LGBT ideologies now is urging Americans to express their opposition to a move by Joe Biden to bring America under the authority of the World Health Organization.

This from

At issue is the proposal from the WHO to impose WHO International Health Regulations worldwide.

It is Liberty Counsel, long a warrior in the battle to protect religious rights and limit the impact of harmful schemes like Biden’s all-out promotion of the body-mutilation surgeries involved in the transgender agenda, that is asking Americans to sound off—now.

Specifically, the proposed regulations would set “Standards for Sexuality Education in Europe” and more.

The organization warned:

We cannot allow this evil to further infect the United States. But if Joe Biden—the man who can’t seem to stop sniffing and touching girls and women unfortunate enough to be in his close proximity—signs America on to the WHO’s new IHR and treaty, our government will be forced to promote pedophilia, and our schools will be forced to teach this evil as normal behavior.

Liberty Counsel explained:

[S]o far it is WHO’s Regional Office for Europe that is ordering the European Union to accept and promote child sexualization.

The warning explained that that office has published a new manual—copying long passages from the work of Alfred Kinsey, the American “researcher” who paid rapists and pedophiles to report their actions to him, which he then published.

WHO’s claims, copied from Kinsey’s work, include:

Children have sexual feelings even in early infancy … children start to discover their own bodies (early childhood masturbation, self-stimulation) and they may also try to examine the bodies of their friends (playing doctor). Children learn about their environment by experiment, and sexuality is no different from other areas in this respect. Extensive observational research has identified common sexual behaviour (sic) in children, ensuring that this kind of behaviour is regarded as normal.

Liberty Counsel said:

Joe Biden wants to oblige the WHO.

The organization cited the history of Kinsey, who was at Indiana University, which still maintains an “institute” for his work.

The overt sexualization of children can be traced back to Indiana University ‘researcher’ Alfred Kinsey. Throughout the 1940s and 1950s, Kinsey paid pimps and pedophiles to document their rapes of children and infants. This is no exaggeration.

Liberty Counsel charged:

His publication, Sexual Behavior in the Human Male, came out in 1948 and detailed child rapes, which he called healthy and normal.

Liberty Counsel said:

Table 34 of that book lists the physical reactions of these children as young as 2 months old. Children’s cries were recorded as being ‘orgasms’ to further justify Kinsey and his rapist friends’ evil desires. Many children were repeatedly raped over a 24-hour period.

Its chief, Mat Staver, noted:

Child protection advocate and my late friend, Dr. Judith Reisman, once wrote, ‘How did they get the record of 26 orgasms in 24 hours for a 4-year-old [boy]?’

He noted:

Kinsey’s evil work isn’t ancient history. Indiana University has an entire institute named for Kinsey, and recently erected a statue celebrating this infamous child molester on IU’s main campus. And as the WHO’s latest initiative proves, Kinsey’s ‘research’ continues to underpin the movement to normalize pedophilia and all manner of sexual perversion.

He cited the “sickening” statistics of international child sex tourism:

In Kwale, Kenya, more then 40% of children were caught in ‘sexual exploitation’ with the abusers predominantly from Italy (18%), Germany (14%), and Switzerland (12%).

Those countries already are part of WHO’s child sex indoctrination programming, originally published in 2010.

Staver urged supporters:

[H]elp us wake Congress to the moral and constitutional destruction Joe Biden is about to unleash upon us.

Final thoughts: America must work toward bringing an end to this sick evil perversion. And the Regime of Barack Hussein Obama and Joe-Joe Biden will certainly not be the force of good to see this accomplished.

God speed to Conservatism and God speed to the Take Back of our Constitutional Republic.