The Left’s Elections ‘Fortification’ in 2024—The Left Used Covid-19 as an Excuse to Transform Our Elections and They Are Continuing

The Left wants all future elections to look like they did in 2020, and We the People have the blueprints to prove it.

This from

Covid-19 was the excuse communists/globalists used to radically transform our nation’s election systems in ways that make them less secure, less honest, and more vulnerable to illegality.

Virtually all of the ‘temporary’ changes introduced—ever-earlier voting, mass mail-in balloting, and lax penalties for fraudsters—have become codified everywhere [the Left’s rules] unopposed.

It was never about protecting Americans from the coronavirus; it was always about seizing power.

If conservatives are to win in 2024, they must be all-in this fight.

In many states that will mean using the left’s tools against them, until principled patriots once again have the power to restore trust and confidence in our elections. That starts by understanding the left’s playbook for meddling with 2024.

The following is a short synopsis of what the Left has planned for stealing the 2024 election.

First, let’s review: The 2020 election may be called the country’s first all-mail election, given how the Left changed our laws and procedures to encourage voting by mail simply to defeat Donald Trump. Credit the National Vote at Home Institute for that grift—whose ex-leader, Amber McReynolds, now leads the campaign to seize control of the U.S. Postal Service to continue the campaign for all-mail elections.

Every ‘progressive’ group supports that objective, but the left-wing NewDEAL Forum explains why in its ‘Democracy Playbook’ for warping 2024, which the Washington Post endorsed in February.


The 2020 election proved the left’s multi-million-dollar voter registration machine’s worth, by unseating a sitting president and seizing narrow control of Congress.

NewDEAL wants every state to expand early voting and adopt no-excuse absentee voting—note that eleven of the fifteen states that require a reason to vote absentee are Republican-run—as well as automatically mail every voter a ballot without their solicitation. That is effectively adopting all-mail elections, something eight states currently do (only one of which, Utah, is Republican-run).

[The Left] knew they needed private drop boxes purchased with “Zuck bucks” to hoover up all of those mail-in ballots in 2020, so NewDEAL recommends making them a permanent feature of all future elections. (The true goal is to turn USPS into a mail-in ballot collection machine, with drop boxes as a stopgap measure.)

NewDEAL also wants to weaken signature-matching requirements on absentee ballots because they “discriminate against voters who already face other obstacles to voting.” Any errors, the group says, can then be corrected with liberal ballot-curing laws.

The Left has put all their resources into building a gigantic ballot-harvesting machine that can register and turn out tens of millions of voters each cycle. But this juggernaut relies on unreliable voters who fail to register or show up on Election Day. So, operatives have staked everything on mail-in ballots, believing they can ensure those ballots are marked and counted, and each of these policies makes their job easier.

For conservatives, the goal must be to block the Left from expanding the all-mail election project in red and purple states while also teaching Republican voters to vote early and by mail.

Restoration News has written extensively on the premium the Left operatives place on voter registration, something conservatives gave up on doing 15 years ago. Leftists have only doubled-down since then.

The Brennan Center, the think tank largely responsible for devising this strategy, wants to cement the left’s advantage with automatically registering every citizen to vote. This is a key provision of the Left’s extreme “For the People Act” (H.R.1) that the think tank takes credit for first proposing. In practice, that means that individuals are “automatically signed up to vote,” when they “give information to [government] agencies.” Twenty-three states and D.C. currently do this, only three of which are reliably Republican. The Brennan Center estimates this policy would add 50 million people to the voter rolls nationwide—roughly one-third the number of ballots cast in 2020.

Automatic voter registration’s “sister” policy is same-day registration (also in H.R.1), which allows individuals to register to vote and cast a ballot on the same day—often Election Day—leaving little time for officials to verify their eligibility. If that sounds trifling, consider that New York has both same-day registration and no ID requirement to vote. What is to stop a non-citizen from registering and voting under a fake name and address?

NewDEAL Forum supports both of these policies while pretending they are fair and absolutely, positively won’t favor [communists/globalists].

NewDEAL also proposes pre-registering 16-year-olds to vote when they turn 18. But that is a smokescreen; the real objective is to lower the voting age to 16, something supported by the leftist group FairVote and enshrined in legislation introduced in January by communist/globalist Rep. Grace Meng of New York—with endorsements from Rock the Vote, Generation Citizen, and other left-wing activist groups.

As if that was not enough, the Brennan Center urges states to automatically restore voting rights to felons, or even allow inmates to vote from prison. But they don’t want prisoners voting in their home states, but rather the states they are incarcerated in—giving them inroads into many southern and southeastern states such as North Carolina and Texas.

The necessary conservative response is clear: Halt the advance of automatic voter registration laws and roll back same-day registration in Virginia, North Carolina, Utah, Idaho, Wyoming, Montana, New Hampshire, and Iowa. The Left demands you expand their pool of voters for zero conservative gain. Republicans must tell them to pound sand—do not be bullied by whiny self-servers.

House Republicans’ newly introduced ACE Act suggests they might be. Almost every provision in the bill is designed to counter or preempt these measures, from mandating photo ID for first-time mail voters, to banning private funding for elections, to prohibiting non-citizens from voting in state and local elections.

The ACE Act is an excellent start, but the efforts to stop the steal need to go further. Conservatives are learning that saving the country means learning to out-fox the enemy in mail-in ballots and ballot harvesting. That may look ugly to many, but they should remember this:

The true glory we aim for is not simply to win

an election, but to restore our republic.