The Dark, Untold Truth of Transgenderism

There is a new stock-in-trade in the American domain today—human beings. Even children are being used in Mengelian experimentations that are reminiscent of the worst of the Hitler regime.

This article is a quick synopsis of the work by Dr. Gina Loudon who recently published an article also titled: The Dark, Untold Truth of Transgenderism.

This from

Hitler was quoted as saying:

If you win, you need not have to explain … If you lose, you should not be there to explain!

Hitler lost and he died before having to explain. Now We the People must stop the evil that is occurring in America which was allegedly begun by “icon,” Alfred C. Kinsey, about whom the author wrote in the main thrust of her article.

Dr. Loudon explained:

The tragedy of sexual-reassignment surgery has a terrifying history. The popularization of medically sanctioned sexual mutilation began with well-known sexual perversion advocate, Alfred Kinsey.

The world expert on Kinsey, who died in 2021 after decades of exposing the shocking true story of Kinsey’s sordid life and legacy, was a courageous, independent researcher named Dr. Judith Reisman. Her great work was published under the title: Sexual Sabotage: How One Mad Scientist Unleashed a Plague of Corruption and Contagion on America. Unfortunately, this publication is available now only as an e-book because of Big Tech, which helped kill it in their all-out sabotage of WND. The work is available as an e-book in the WND Superstore.

Loudon bravely wrote:

Kinsey contended that people are ‘sexual from birth’ and experimented on babies in the 1940s and 50s. His legacy stands largely unchallenged today by the American Medical Association, despite his advocacy of bestiality, pedophilia, sadomasochism, and incest. His experiments largely led to the so-called Sexual Revolution.

She continued:

In 1967, a student of Kinsey named John Money was asked by a set of desperate parents to repair a botched circumcision on their baby boy, David, who was a twin. Rather than repair the damage, Money advised the couple to raise the baby as a girl and remove his genitalia. By age 12, David was struggling mentally in addition to his physical malformities. By 14, he begged to be made male again. Throughout his teens, he became severely depressed. Ultimately, both brothers ended their own lives. It was later reported that Money sexually molested both boys, and forced them to have incestuous relations with one another at age 7. This tragic case prompted further study, and the not-yet-corrupted medical establishment opted to largely end sanctions of the mutilation experiments, for a time.

NOW, We the People must follow the money ($) and the votes.

If we, as a nation, researched this and even the left agreed to end such studies because the outcomes were so grim, why have the powers that be reinvented this cause at this point in time?

 – The American Medical Association stands to gain millions of dollars between surgeries and medicines from each transition.

 – The American Psychological Association will have its membership explode when all of these children and their parents and families need a lifetime of therapy and drugs for what they have done.

 – Big Pharma can’t even calculate the money that will rush to them.

 – And the [communists/globalists] have taken up their cause calling it ‘gender affirming care’ (as if there were anything ‘caring’ about it, considering the real data).

 – The [Left] will be richly rewarded by all of those profiting off of these children, and the cycle will continue.

As Loudon explained:

[It] is a lie and excuse for Big Bucks that will be poured into the next election.

But this gets worse—much worse.

It truly does. [Loudon fears] there is much more diabolical news coming as a result of the world’s greatest sin.

What is she talking about? She speaks of the proverbial having been thrown into the fan, of course.

Why is the world only now taking the Sound of Freedom so seriously? Why have we waited this long for this movie to be made? Why are there such lies being told about it despite its unconventional success?

Sound of Freedom is the most popular movie in the United States—and the most endearing and disturbing.

We the People have been spoon-fed for too long and many of us are flat-out ignorant of the horrors occurring around us.

For example, in a recent poll of High School seniors:

– 72% didn’t know we fought Hitler during World War II.

– 87% didn’t know we entered WWII because of the attacks on Pearl Harbor.

– 60% didn’t know which countries we fought in WWII.

– 13% thought General Dwight Eisenhower was a general from the Civil War.

Jim Caviezel, the man who starred in Sound of Freedom, says “the biggest market for child sex is right here in the good-old USA.” And We the People are not supposed to know this.

Now the Left says our children belong to their teachers. And they want to put Trump in prison for 400 years!

Americans don’t have any time to waste.

This is why the communists/globalists are going to every length to subvert Donald Trump from winning the next election. They realize they will be facing convictions and death if they fail. Everything they are doing is intentional.

After seeing Sound of Freedom, President Trump was so moved he declared that if he is elected president next year:

I will return all trafficked children to their families in their home countries and without delay.

Caviezel, who portrayed Jesus in another box-office bonanza, called Donald Trump the “new Moses” for his promise:

[T]o save children the likes of which you have never seen.

What do Moses and Trump have in common?

Babies were slaughtered in Egypt. And they [young human beings] are being slaughtered today in the United States and around the world.

Final thoughts: We the People must stop accepting the slaughter of the innocents.

The demise of the Obiden Regime and the prosecution of all those involved in the Crimes Against Humanity will be a great start.