Hurricane Hillary Knocked Out Def-Con News For A While

True story: I was getting ready to write an article about how all the hype around Hurricane Hillary was garbage and then my power went out. It still wasn’t that big of a deal, but again, I lost electricity for hours, which is something I don’t normally experience. If anything, I can say that Hillary is kind of a bitch.

California, like New York, is full of itself and thinks that any little thing that happens is important to the rest of the world. As I’m sure you all know, a hurricane, which was downgraded to a tropical storm, hit SoCal on Sunday, into Monday. It was actually just a normal rain storm, other than it it occurred in August when it doesn’t normally rain here.

Leading up to this mild rain storm, the media went crazy saying it could be a disaster of epic proportion. There was supposed to be gale force winds and widespread flooding. The reality was, it was some rain. Yes, there were areas that experienced flooding and mudslides, but those places always have flooding and mudslides every time it rains.

California Governor Gavin Newsom declared SoCal a disaster area way before the first drop of rain hit. Meanwhile, his home of San Francisco is an actual disaster area covered in human feces and used hypodermic needles. Then again, so is Sacremento, Los Angeles, and San Diego. What I’m trying to say is, every major city in this state is completely f*cked thanks to the democrats.

Joe Biden, who couldn’t have given two shits about the actual disaster in Maui, was for some reason all over this non-disaster in SoCal, tweeting:

I know Biden actually went to Maui today and I’ll have more on that soon because he made an ass of himself, but seriously? When asked about the Maui wildfire that killed over 100 people, Biden said, “No comment.” With a nothing burger storm that threatened to slightly inconvenience some liberal assholes, he’s deploying the full force of the federal government.

I live in Burbank, which is just on the other side of the Hollywood sign, and it’s an actual nice place with low crime and friendly neighbors. When Hillary hit, it was basically a decent rain storm from Sunday morning until Monday morning. No violent winds, no thunder storms, no tornados, just a average rain. All of the hype and fear-mongering was bullshit.

The thing is, Burbank has its own power plant, which is incredibly reliable. I’ve lived here for 30 years and the power has maybe gone out twice, usually for less than an hour. While the rest of SoCal has rolling blackouts, Burbank has the juice.

That’s what makes things so weird. I was cooking my breakfast this morning (bacon and egg sandwich) and all of a sudden the power went out. It was after the storm had passed so it didn’t make any sense. Luckily, I has already toasted my bread.

Because of Burbank’s reputation for reliability, I figured the power would come back on soon, but it was out for hours. That’s why I didn’t post anything this morning, because by the time it came back on, I had other things to do.

I guess what I’m trying to say is Hillary is an over-hyped piece of shit that never fails to disappoint, but at the same time still manages to f*ck things up.