Hawaiians Are Disgusted and Through with Biden but Will They Still Vote Communist/Globalist?

Joe Biden’s inappropriate behavior and his senseless words before and during his recent visit to Hawaii have disgusted the Hawaiin people.

The Regime is not worried, however, because they have plans to dump Joe soon—this is not a surprise, right?

This from westernjournal.com.

Finally, the Regime transported Joe Biden to the fire-ravaged Hawaiian island of Maui after he received criticism for refusing to say anything about the fires and his lack of action in helping with the relief.

Actually, Joe did say something. ‘No comment,’

he responded when asked about the blaze nearly a week ago.

The Regime probably hoped that the trip would give Hawaiians and Americans the impression that Joe really does care about the people whose lives have been turned upside down by this terrible disaster.

Unfortunately for Biden, it is going to be hard to convince the residents of Maui that he is sympathetic to their plight when he repeatedly dodged questions from the news media about the fires.

Worse, he spent a fair amount of his time in Hawaii cracking jokes with Hawaiian officials and offering very little in the way of sympathy.

Hawaii is a very liberal state—Biden won the state easily in 2020 many believe without election fraud—and most Hawaiians have been loyal (democrat) communist/globalist voters for a long time.

But now?

Biden’s callous indifference to their plight and his cruel nonchalant attitude during his visit is making some in Hawaii have second thoughts about whether they made the right choice.

On Monday, The Daily Signal—the website of the conservative Heritage Foundation—gathered reactions from the people of Maui to Biden’s visit, and this will provide added incentive for The Regime to jettison the bumbling octogenarian.

Kristen Goodwin, a Hawaii resident, and former teacher, put it bluntly, saying:

I’m not voting for him again—that’s for sure. I’ll vote for Trump. I will never vote for him again.

Those are some pretty strong words. Not only did she say she would not vote for Biden, but that she would willingly vote for his chief adversary.

Leslie Santos, another Hawaii resident, lambasted Biden for comparing the fires in Hawaii to the experience he had almost losing a Corvette during a kitchen fire.

She said:

I’m not sure how anyone could compare the ‘almost loss’ of a Corvette, a replaceable object, to the loss of life, loss of all one’s possessions, and the loss of livelihoods. I am offended.

She also made her political feelings on the matter known, having said:

I am so disappointed in Biden—and I am a Democrat.

The disgust and the hurt is palpable—residents of one of the most liberal states in the country are saying they are angry with a very progressive politician over his lack of concern for them. Some are even considering voting for Trump! This is not a good sign for Biden and an equally bad sign for the party of the Left.

True, Hawaii is probably not going to make or break the 2024 election for either side, but the loss of a hitherto liberal stronghold over Biden’s inaction on the wildfires would be devastating for the [communists/globalists].

Final thoughts: Does the Left now have sufficient rationale for 25th Amendment action? For whatever reasons they are waiting, I imagine some regret they haven’t already done so.

And I imagine the Republicans are grateful they have not tried to impeach this old fool. Afterall, impeachment would legitimize his illegitimate assumption of office, and to paraphrase Sun Tzu, “it is important to provide your enemy every opportunity to defeat himself.” And Joe certainly is doing that.