Commentary: Fellow Students Stand Up for Their Peer Kicked Out of Class for His Gadsden Patch

Jaiden Rodriguez, the 12-year-old who was kicked out of his seventh-grade class in Colorado Springs by a school administration made up of people who clearly need to go back to school themselves, is back with his fellow students after a quick win against ignorance.

This from

Rodriguez had been told he could not come back to The Vanguard School, a charter school, until he removed a Gadsden flag patch from his backpack—because of the administration’s erroneous belief that the flag was somehow connected to American slavery.

Now he’s back, after messages of support from conservatives around the country—and even from Colorado’s communist/globalist governor, who at least recognized the patch for what it was: an important symbol of the American colonists’ fight against British tyranny in the Revolutionary War.

In a video posted to X, the young man said:

Hey, guys. Today was a good day—kind of.

He explained:

When I got to school, all the kids were really hyped up because they saw me on Twitter. And kids are putting ‘Don’t Tread on Me’ on their lockers.

Well, at least, my new-made friends, ’cause I’m big on Twitter and now they like me all of a sudden. But the teachers, on the other hand—I got some dirty looks, that’s for sure. They’re definitely not happy with me.

But chagrin and embarrassed looks are the least this school’s staff should have after a 12-year-old has made them look like fools in interviews published nationwide by household names like Charlie Kirk and Ben Shapiro.

The school saw the famous “Don’t Tread on Me” image, suspected it was in some way racist—because what isn’t racist in the eyes of the left, honestly?—and did a bare minimum of research to try to support their presupposition.

Despite the historical facts, in an email to the student’s mother, school administrator Jeff Yocum cited a 2014 decision by the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, according to a follow-up post by Connor Boyack, president of the Libertas Institute, a libertarian think tank.

The EEOC ruled that the flag could be viewed as racist if someone feels it is racist whether it is or not.

Say what? Sheer foolishness.

The agency found the Gadsden flag had no connection to racism or slavery, and said:

After a thorough review of the record, it is clear that the Gadsden Flag originated in the Revolutionary War in a non-racial context. [The flag is also often used] to express various non-racial sentiments [in political contexts].

The fools still were able to insert the word ‘racial.’

The EEOC said the Gadsden flag is “sometimes” used by bad actors to convey a racist message.

The explanation continued:

However, whatever the historic origins and meaning of the symbol, it also has since been sometimes interpreted to convey racially-tinged messages in some contexts.

The racist explanation concluded that the flag:

[M]ust be investigated [as an example of racism because of the] ambiguity in the current meaning of this symbol.

Based on this, Yokum argued that the flag is racist because some people feel it is because some “hate groups” have also used the flag, according to a screen shot of an email shared by Boyack.

Of course, no reasonable individual disputes the shame on the history of the United States that is race slavery and the salve trade, but the Gadsden flag has exactly zero to do with either of those.

In fact, with its proudly, dangerously coiled rattlesnake and the motto “Don’t Tread on Me,” it’s a symbol of one of the proudest moments in the country’s history—when the North American colonies of Great Britain were fighting for their independence from the British empire.

It has also become a symbol of constitutional conservatives in the contemporary United States, opposing the ever-expanding reach of government into their private lives.

…like ignorant school officials trying to force their revisionist history on their students. That kind of thing.

Conservatives around the country spoke up to defend Rodriguez, to attack Yokum and The Vanguard School, or both.

But so did [communist/globalist] Gov. Jared Polis (Colorado) and California Rep. Ted Lieu—and if the latter isn’t a perfect example of a broken clock being right twice a day, I don’t know what would be.

The responses to Rodriguez’s X post were almost uniformly supportive, but probably no one put it better or more succinctly than Bill Clinton accuser Juanita Broaddrick.

She wrote in a reply to the X post:

Cute kid. Great mom. Justice won.

Final thought: Another humiliating example of liberal racists being racist.