Chicago Socialist Pol Calls Black Residents Racist for Rejecting Migrants—“Send them back to Venezuela”

Communists/Globalists, led by the Obiden Regime, have rammed open the border, shut down security measures, and funneled mobs of invading migrants all through the country.

Now, not only Republicans, but the Left too are not happy because their neighborhoods are overrun by the invaders.

This from

Click HERE for scenes of the class struggle in Chicago.


Kenwood resident Doris Lewis, saying she lives across the street from the hotel, blasted Yancy and other city officials at the meeting for their plans.

Lewis said:

I am absolutely livid, livid. You all are so hypocritical. I live right across the street from that hotel. Back when they were there in the spring … they would be on our lawn, on our benches.

I’m walking around the building, what do I walk upon? Three men urinating on the building

I don’t want them there. Take them someplace else or send them back to Venezuela, I don’t care where they go.

This is wrong … 73 percent of the people homeless in this city are Black people. What have you done for them?

Lewis asked, drawing claps and cheers from some in the crowd.

What are you doing for the thousands of black children who are not in school?

Alderman Andre Vasquez, a socialist politician who still has a red rose on his social media despite the DSA kicking him out, tried to fix everything by telling the angry black residents that they were a bunch of racists who were playing into the hands of Republicans.

Oh, smart move, knucklehead.

Vasquez, chair of the City Council’s Committee on Immigrant and Refugee Rights, said residents were playing into the hands of those seeking to divide Black and Brown communities by sending the buses to the city.

Vasquez said, eliciting some claps:

It is an intentional attack on the city of Chicago to get us to be divided.

They don’t want to see a successful Democratic Party, they don’t want to see the president reelected, they want to see Chicago look like a disaster.

Vasquez is another lying, stupid Leftist misidentifying a problem, thus contributing to accentuating the problem simply because he refuses to see his own policies as being the root of all that plagues him and his constituents.

And while this Leftist may be very invested in the success of the communist/globalist political cabal, this is not true of the average resident faced with having their community overrun, who do not give a tinker’s damn about The Regime or the image of the Leftists taking a beating.

Chicago is a disaster area, the likes of a war zone.

This is why the people are outraged.

But if the city leadership would think the problem through rather than shooting from the hip they may discover there is a simpler solution.

Going to the root of the problem, the borders MUST BE closed. Period.

The illegals already in America MUST BE returned to the opposite side of the United States’ closed border.

If this is not possible immediately, what about turning all those huge Obama Foundation buildings into migrant shelters?

Let the Obamas live out their principles and hand over their mansions and offices to the invaders.

Not likely gonna happen and everyone knows it.

Ordinary people are expected to suffer and keep their mouths closed, but some of them aren’t having it.

And calling the people of Chicago racists and accusing them of dividing the communists/globalists (democrats) won’t change that.

Final thoughts: Our beloved country has reached eighty percent of the people in full realization the communist/globalist (democrat) political cabal intends only to make life worse if not impossible for every single citizen in this once-great land.

God speed to the Take Back of our Constitutional Republic.