From A Catholic Priest: “You Can’t Be Catholic and Democrat” AND “Pope Francis Is Not the Pope”

Father James Altman is an inspiring Roman Catholic priest who has dedicated his life to serving God and spreading the message of the Gospel.

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Fr. James Altman, the priest behind the viral video, You cannot be Catholic and a Democrat

Father Altman has since released another video entitled: Pope Francis is not the Pope.

Originally from the Diocese of Marquette, Father Altman was an attorney who had a family practice in Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan, when he answered the call to the priesthood. Graduating from the University of St. Mary of the Lake’s Mundelein Seminary outside Chicago, Father Altman was ordained to the priesthood by Bishop Jerome E. Listecki at the Cathedral of St. Joseph the Workman on June 28, 2008.

Following ordination, his first assignment was as chaplain and teacher at Assumption High School and associate pastor at Our Lady Queen of Heaven, both in Wisconsin Rapids. He moved to Ss. Peter and Paul, Wisconsin Rapids, on March 1, 2009. One year later he was appointed the parish’s administrator and installed as pastor by Bishop Callahan on Dec. 19, 2010.

Fr. Altman has gained worldwide recognition after filming the now viral video entitled, You Can’t Be Catholic and Democrat.

In 2021 Fr. Altman was put on administrative leave from his position as pastor of St. James the Less in La Crosse, Wisconsin by Bishop Callahan pending the outcome of a Canon law case filed with the Vatican.

Despite facing censorship from Church leaders, Father Altman remains steadfast in his commitment to the Gospel and the teachings of the Catholic Church. He has inspired many Catholics across the country to embrace a more robust and unapologetic witness to the Gospel and continues to inspire people of all faiths with his powerful message of hope, love, and redemption.

In his more recent video, Fr. Altman states that Pope Francis (Bergolio) is not the Pope.  He explains why not in the video below:

Please visit Fr. Altman’s website here to learn more about his mission:

Final thoughts: No doubt Father Altman is a Conservative. I venture to guess he is also a Patriot and one of us.

God speed to Father Altman. May He continue to guide him and keep him safe.