“File The F*cking Motion”: GOP House Members Threaten to Remove McCarthy from Speakership

Tensions within the Republican Party reached a boiling point this week as Congressman Matt Gaetz (R-FL) publicly challenged House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, accusing him of failing to deliver on campaign promises that allowed him to assume his leadership role in January.

This from thegatewaypundit.com.

According to The Hill:

In a closed-door meeting with Republican House members on Thursday, McCarthy reportedly lost his cool amid growing murmurs of discontent and open threats to his leadership.

McCarthy snapped, according to Rep. Brian Mast (R-FL):

If you want to file a motion to vacate, then file the f*cking motion.

McCarthy admitted to reporters after the GOP meeting:

I showed frustration in here because I am frustrated.

He further lamented that the Defense Department appropriations bill couldn’t be placed on the floor but failed to address the underlying issues causing the rift within his party.

McCarthy added:

Frustrated with some people in the conference.

McCarthy’s meltdown prompted a response from Gaetz.

Gaetz told The Hill:

Instead of emotionally cursing, maybe the Speaker should just keep his word from January on balanced budgets, term limits, and single-subject spending bills.

Gaetz doubled down on his attack on McCarthy in an X post:

I warned everybody in December of last year. Speaker McCarthy believes in NOTHING except money and power.

In football, when the team isn’t winning the games it’s supposed to, they fire the coach.

In business, when a company does not match its projected earnings, then the board gets rid of the CEO.

Gaetz continued:

I’ve had enough McFailure. Have you?

The Gateway Pundit reported on Tuesday that Gaetz took issue with McCarthy’s failure to uphold the promises that secured him the Speaker’s chair.

Gaetz said in his opening remarks:

On this very floor in January, the whole world witnessed a historic contest for House Speaker.

Under current House rules, only one member of Congress is required to bring a ‘motion to vacate’ which can force a vote to remove the Speaker. A simple majority is all that’s needed for removal.

Gaetz even mentioned the possibility of recruiting communist/globalist Rep. Eric Swalwell to help carry out the motion.

Gaetz said on Tuesday from the House floor:

I rise today to serve notice. Mr. Speaker, you are out of compliance with the agreement that allowed you to assume this role.

The path forward for the House of Representatives is to either bring you into immediate total compliance or remove you, pursuant to a motion to vacate the chair.

Rep. Gaetz lambasted McCarthy for:

 – [N]ot holding a vote on term limits,

– [R]efusing to release the full January 6 tapes,

– [I]nsufficient accountability for the Biden Crime Family, and

– [A]dvancing Biden’s spending.

Gaetz continued:

If Democrats bail out McCarthy—I will lead the resistance to this uni-party and the Biden/McCarthy/Jeffries government that they are attempting to build.

Final thoughts: McCarthy is following in the footsteps of Paul Ryan. Worse though, because he was forced to negotiate with the MAGA people before they would agree to vote for him, he has reneged on his agreement.

The one unanswered question: Why is McCarthy not yet removed from the Speakership? Rep. Gaetz, actions speak louder than words.