Man/Child John Fetterman Mocks Congress As Stupid And Unqualified

This may be the biggest political self-own in history. Stroked-out John Fetterman, who can’t form a cohesive thought, mocked his colleagues in Congress as unintelligent and unqualified. The funny thing is, he’s so far gone, he doesn’t even realize he just critiqued his own lack of smarts and achievements.

John Fetterman is that hulking slob whose already feeble mind was devastated by a stroke. While there’s nothing funny about brain trauma, it’s hysterical that the people of Pennsylvania elected him to the U.S. Senate. Putting a bucket of fish heads in office would have been a better choice.

Now that the writer’s strike is over, Colbert is back on TV and continuing his role as the democratic party’s chief jester of propaganda. As required by his blood (and semen) oath, he had a ridiculously unqualified democrat politician on, and did his best to make him seem competent.

Fetterman had to use a tablet to read Colbert’s questions, because his brain no longer functions. When asked something completely unrelated, Fetterman spat this out:

“You all need to know that America is not sending their best and brightest to Washington, D.C.,” said Fetterman.

The equally braindead audience laughed as if Fetterman wasn’t accidentally talking about himself. This is a guy who lived in his parents basement until his 40s and who has never had a real job in his life. Check that, he’s never had any kind of a job in his life. He is the least qualified person to ever hold a seat in Congress. He’s less qualified than Dianne Feinstein, and she’s dead.

Not only was Fetterman mocking his colleagues with this extreme lack of self-awareness, he was giving shit to the people of Pennsylvania for sending him to Washington. In reality, he was shitting on the entire democratic process of electing representation, which we’ve been told is tantamount to insurrection.

Still clueless to his insane self-own, Fetterman then demonstrated his lack of brightness.

“Sometimes you literally just can’t believe like, these people are making the decisions that are determining the government here. It’s actually scary,” Fetterman said.

No, what’s scary is that Fetterman thinks his job as a member of Congress is to “determine the government.” The U.S. Constitution determined our government, while members of Congress are in charge of passing laws within its framework.

“That’s how dangerous that is to put that kind of power in one’s hands, because you have some very less gifted kinds of people there that are willing to shut down the government just as score points on Fox,” Fetterman added.


If I’m reading this correctly, Fetterman doesn’t think that Legislative Branch shouldn’t be in charge of legislating. Again, he really has no clue why Pennsylvania elected him to the Senate. I don’t even know what to say about that “just as score points on Fox” line.

Even a broken clock is right twice a day, so Fetterman was correct in surmising that the people of Pennsylvania didn’t send their best and brightest by electing him and that it’s scary for a man/child like him to be in a position of power.