Left Eats Left: Schumer Reaps ‘Whirlwind’ He Has Sown as Angry Pro-Palestinian Leftist Protesters Descend on His Home

Protesting at politicians’ homes is never a positive sign. Events can turn sideways in a heartbeat. Family members do not deserve being drug into the mess created at least in part by their politician father, mother, husband, wife.

In particular protesting against Supreme Court justices, specifically to try to change their votes, should not be allowed to occur. And it certainly should not be encouraged by the opposition political party. This undermines the independence of our judicial system and is a danger to the rule of law.

However, communists/globalists like Rep. Nancy Pelosi (CA) thought such behavior was a great idea. In fact, she encouraged it. And the lovely Rep. Maxine Waters demanded it.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer also threatened the justices—Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh—in the past, because he disagreed with their decisions, having said that they had reaped the “whirlwind” and would “pay the price.”

Schumer proclaimed:

You won’t know what hit you!

Then, of course, there was an assassination attempt against Justice Kavanaugh, after the communists/globalists had whipped up all this hatred directed at the justices.

And what action was taken against Schumer or Waters or Pelosi? None, of course, because they are of the communist/globalist crime syndicate.

So, in what has to be considered some supreme irony, the leftist whirlwind that Schumer is frequently whipping up against others showed up at his doorstep on Friday night over the Israel-Hamas war.

Hundreds of protesters arrived at his home, demanding an end to the war and calling for a ceasefire. They were organized by “Jewish Voice for Peace” —a leftist anti-Israel group. Schumer is on his way to Israel, and they doubtless were trying to influence his thoughts.

Among the group were two socialist NY Assembly members, Zohran Kwame Mamdani and Marcela Mitaynes.

They were among the 100 who were arrested and piled into two buses. Sources in the report indicated that they would be issued summons for blocking traffic.

But this is another example of how the left will eat their own, if they vary from the radical policies.

Many pointed out the disparity in response with how the communist/globalist machine—including the police—dealt with protests against Supreme Court justices.

No doubt here—even for the most casual observer—of the two-tiered system of justice under which our beloved country is now belabored.

Likely, whatever Schumer previously stated about being cool with protesters outside the home of a politician was typical politi-speak. Something opined without consideration that such action would ever be taken against him.

Final thoughts: For most Conservative Americans, Chuck Schumer is one of our least favorite individuals on the planet. You reap what you sow a**hole.