Maxine Waters: “To Hell With The Supreme Court! We Will Defy Them!”

This member of congress has apparently been determined to be less dangerous out demanding her constituents to rise up and commit violent acts than she would be if she were arrested and swept away to a holding cell.

Or is this another painful example of America’s two-tiered justice system?

This from

To hell with the Supreme Court! We will defy them!

Congresswoman Maxine Waters responded to the landmark abortion ban.

Waters made the comments shortly after it was announced that abortion is being sent back to the states, with Roe v Wade being overturned.

This dingbat insisted:

They ain’t seen nothing yet, women are going to control their bodies no matter how they try to stop them.

For good measure she added:

Women will be able to control their bodies and if they think black women are intimidated, are afraid, they got another thought coming.

Waters asserted:

Black women will be out in droves—we will be out by the thousands, we will be out by the millions, we’re going to make sure we fight for the right to control our own bodies.

As ZeroHedge earlier highlighted:

Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is spewing similar rhetoric, gathering outside the Supreme Court to shout that it is “illegitimate.”

The same people who accused President Trump of “inciting” January 6, now actively incite actual violence in the form of riots over the next few nights.

Far-left pro-abortion groups have already vowed to stage a “night of rage” in response to the ruling.

The Department of Homeland Security has also warned crisis pregnancy centers, Catholic churches, and pro-life institutions that they should brace for attacks, with several having already been targeted in recent weeks.

Buckle up for the next few nights, there might be a few “mostly peaceful” demonstrations ahead.

Is this not the stuff insurrections are made of?

Mad Max, who supposedly is recovering from COVID, was standing outside the Capitol, telling Americans to IGNORE the SCOTUS ruling and to do whatever the hell they want.

Final thought, observations: As usual and as expected, these radical liberals are going about this the wrong way. The High Court has not said women cannot have abortions. What the court has said is this entire issue is not addressed in the U.S. Constitution. And thus, whether to perform or not perform abortions has been left up to each state where the decision should have been since 1973.

Please, Mad Max, if you absolutely refuse to conduct yourself in a lawful manner, keep your insane seditious behavior in California.