Think ‘Ulterior Motives’–The Left Is Now Interested in the GOP Suggestion to Divide the U.S. into ‘Red’ and ‘Blue’

In February Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Green—a Republican firebrand from northwest Georgia—suggested a “national divorce” because of the chasm between the Republican traditional values of free speech and a free market agenda and the Leftist “woke” culture that mirrors communism in many ways.

This from

Patriotic and Proud to be an American.

MTG stated that the Left’s mode of operation is like having communism:

 [S]hoved down our throats.

The communist/globalist crime syndicate, predictably, pontificated and condemned her as their colluding mass propaganda media partners hyperventilated over her “controversial” statements.

Howsomever, those very same ideas—not long ago condemned, branded as being too controversial for use in chivalrous, lawyerly conversation—have become, as revealed by a new polling, an ingenious notion that nearly a third of the better-than-thou minded Left cabal have determined to be a grand idea. “Yes,” they intoned, a “political break” from conservative states is needed.

The results from the Center for Politics at the University of Virginia were outlined in a Washington Examiner column by Paul Bedard.

He explained:

Liberals laughed when conservatives, including Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA), called for dividing the United States into red and blue states because of national disunity and partisanship. But they’re not laughing now. In fact, about a third of Democrats believe a political break from conservative-leaning states is needed.

Surveys—the results of which are questionable at best—provide little more that comic relief. However, with that said, this survey included 2,008 voters, and revealed 31% of “Biden supporters” now want Democrat-controlled states to secede.

Yes, to secede and to form their own country.

Many of us might recall that idea is not actually new. Southern states tried it more than a century ago, triggering a Civil War.

Further, the report said:

Among voters who back President Trump,

41% support secession.

The center explained:

Disturbingly, nearly one-third (31%) of Trump supporters and about a quarter (24%) of Biden supporters at least somewhat agree that democracy is no longer a viable system and that the country should explore alternative forms of government to ensure stability and progress.

Democracy no longer viable? Are we talking secession or killing the hen that laid the golden egg? The Left is spoiling another wet dream. Let’s stick to one topic here, please.

It was Joe Biden, a [Leftist], who stunningly promised more unity when he took office in 2021. Since then, the divisions have exploded, for reasons including his incessant bashing of conservative Americans as “MAGA” ideologues and his wild claim that they are a threat to democracy.

No, that to which MAGA is a threat is tyranny masquerading as democracy, un-constitutionalism masquerading as saving democracy.

The polling, the Examiner said, found:

  • A majority of both Biden (70%) and Trump (68%) voters believed electing officials from the opposite party would result in lasting harm to the U.S.
  • Roughly half (52% Biden voters, 47% Trump voters) viewed those who supported the other party as threats to the American way of life.
  • About 40% of both groups (41% Biden voters, 38% Trump voters) at least somewhat believed that the other side had become so extreme that it is acceptable to use violence to prevent them from achieving their goals.

The Washington Post, only weeks ago, said:

[A]nother report charged that the move for secession comes from division between states.

In that report, Colby College’s Nicholas F. Jacobs said:

Partisan intensity does not do much explanation [in existing support for secession].

Jacobs explained:

Rather, it is highly dependent (almost entirely) on whether or not someone really thinks that red and blue states are just different—and different on meaningful dimensions, such as quality of government services, etc.


When political divisions take on a territorial dimension, foundational attitudes central to maintaining the delicate federal relationship are challenged.

No longer one country seeking to accommodate diverse peoples, some individuals see many peoples fitting uneasily into one federation, threatening collective decision-making.

In the United States, between 20 and 30 percent of Democratic and Republican partisans are willing to express some agreement with secessionist sentiments, even in the absence of a major secessionist party or movement.

Final thoughts: I believe talk of secession from the Left has become a divide-and-concur scheme from those with more brawn than brain.

First, secession may be Plan B for the Left once their inability to stop the Trump Train becomes a foregone conclusion. Second, the Left may believe Plan B can be incorporated into Plan A with a head-to-head competition of some sort between Red and Blue. The competition could be commerce, treachery, or war.

I believe President Trump, The Plan, and Martial Law with a proverbial “Iron Fist” yielded reprehensively can save America in total as well as vanquish the Deep State and the party of the Left Crime Syndicate. And this is what the Left knows and fears most.