The ayatollahs are becoming impatient that their $6 billion check has not arrived as promised by Joe-Joe.
This from
The homicidal ayatollahs have also been celebrating the 40th anniversary of their great triumph… the Marine Barracks bombing.
So, they spent a little time plotting to kill American soldiers. Again.
At least two-dozen American military personnel based in Iraq and Syria were injured in drone attacks last week that officials said were launched by Iran-backed proxy groups.
The largest attack carried out against a US base was on Oct. 18 when 20 troops suffered ‘minor injuries,’ after numerous one-way drones targeted al-Tanf Garrison in southeastern Syria, US military officials said, according to the Washington Post.
On the same day, multiple drones also targeted the US and its allies in two different attacks on Ain al-Asad Air Base in western Iraq that left four people with minor injuries, the Washington Post reported. Those injured also returned to duty.
A US citizen working as a contractor died the same day after he went into cardiac arrest during a shelter-in-place order at the base.
The Pentagon has said the groups behind the attacks are supported by Iran and its Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps.
Assuming that this is a response to the current situation in the region would be natural, but the depressing thing is that this is not even knew.
The two elements that jump out at most people (1. Iran launching attacks on U.S. bases and (2. the White House not even mentioning it… have been around for quite a while.
Here is the author’s article on it from Jan 2022.
Two more terror drones targeted American forces deployed to fight ISIS at the Al Asad air base. The base has been repeatedly hammered by Iran-backed rocket attacks over the past year, most notably when 14 rockets struck the base over the summer causing several injuries.
There were repeated Iran-backed rocket strikes against Americans in Iraq throughout the last year totaling an estimated 25 separate attacks under the Biden administration.
On September 11, two drones launched an attack on U.S. forces at Erbil International Airport.
Then, as now, the [Obiden Regime] limited American military personnel to defensive preventative air strikes against the Shiite terror groups carrying out the attacks.
This was going on long before the current Hamas attack and the Israeli response. Or before we directed more forces to the region.
American soldiers have been killed and worse still, we’re funding their killers. Yes, in addition to that $6 billion.
While some U.S. conflicts with Jihadists in the region are old news, Kataeb Hezbollah fired rockets at the U.S. embassy in Baghdad in 2019, and has bombed U.S. bases in recent years. Kataeb Hezbollah killed two American soldiers in 2020: Army Spc. Juan Miguel Mendez Covarrubias and Air Force Staff Sgt. Marshal D. Roberts.
Politicians and the media have mostly ignored the fact that Americans are continuing to be killed in Iraq, that the Iraqi government is funding their killers, and that we’re funding Iraq.
While Iraq funds Iran’s terror militias, the United States funds the UN Development Programme to ‘stabilize’ Iraq and has invested over $100 million into ‘conflict, peace and security’ funding.
The United States has spent over $1 billion financing the nation’s military while Iraq spends billions financing the Iranian PMU terror militias which are expected to approach a quarter of million Jihadis.
Has the mass propaganda media made any mention of Air Force Staff Sgt. Marshal D. Roberts?
On March 14, 2020, Roberts lost his life when enemy fire engaged with his unit at Camp Taji. With rockets flying, Roberts and his friend took cover. They discussed running to a bunker but not without considering if they could make it to safety. Roberts told his fellow Airmen to go and get her body armor. As his friend left, a rocket landed, taking his life. In losing his own, Roberts saved another.
Her body armor? WTFO !!
Has there been any news reporting about any of this? No. And then suddenly we notice it and wonder what’s going on.
Iran keeps attacking us and trying to kill us. And The Regime keeps trying to cut a deal while warning against offending Iran.
Final thoughts: Retribution will not be achieved behind the skirts of the traitorous Obama/Biden Regime. Conservatism MUST prevail, soonest.