Feckless Pussies at the Helm—U.S. Power of Deterrence Is All But Gone

The event most likely to mitigate America’s precarious predicament would be the re-election of President Trump to a second term in 2024.

This from frontpagemag.com.

Unlike the neoconservatives and global liberals presently destroying our beloved country, Trump:

 – will not attempt regime change in Russia,

 – will not perpetuate the blunders of others on the world stage,

 – has pledged to end the war in Ukraine,

 – will maintain strong American support for Israel—which they will need as they continue to devastate Hamas,

 – will limit the risk of damage to America’s position abroad by conflict avoidance with Russia and China, and

 – will not involve America in the affairs of other countries—his concern will be the best deal for the United States. Period.

The United States is being mismanaged by a destructive cabal of traitors bent on societal suicide. The Regime’s foreign affairs malfeasance is exemplified by the following:

 – Domestic leftist activists and antisemites care nothing for this country or its interests and security. They have only one principle—use “any means necessary” to usher in their tyrannical “woke” utopia,

 – Since the savage attack on Israeli civilians on October 7, one of Iran’s terrorist proxies, the Houthi, have launched drones and ballistic missiles 100 times against our military and commercial shipping in the Red Sea, through which 10% of global trade passes. Twenty-five crewmen of one ship have been held hostage for over a month,

 – The U.S., with two Carrier Battle Groups in the region, has not responded with significant force, content to play defense by knocking down missiles and drones, but not destroying the launch sites, stores of missiles and drones, or other military assets, and

 – These attacks by Iran’s proxies are not spurred by outrage over the Israelis’ existence or right to defend themselves. They are opportunistic tactical moves against the U.S. and the West, and their “rules-based international order” that protects global trade and security. Iran and its new BFFs Russia and China are exposing the West’s weaknesses and failure of nerve.

It’s also showing the rest of the world that their triumvirate of tyranny is a better bet to take over global hegemony than suicidal Western nations that skimp on defense spending, splurge on redistributing money, obsess over apocalyptic ‘climate change,’ and dismantle its vital energy industry that provides cheap, abundant fossil fuels.

Striking at critical waterways with impunity, as China and Iran have been doing for years, is another dramatic demonstration of the West’s tottering “new world order.” And it’s working, as several shipping companies have stopped transiting the Red Sea, slowing down global commerce and supply chains, and raising insurance costs.

Ambitious enemies will continually test its foes to gauge their willingness to reciprocate decisively—not an “eye for an eye,” but “two+ eyes for an eye.” Timid threats, disappearing “red lines,” and weak sanctions only communicate weakness.

Except for President Trump’s first term, we have relied on such “diplomatic empty rhetoric and missish responses” that glorified gangs like the Houthi and Hezbollah contemptuously ignore.

[E]xample last week, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin announced:

Iran’s support for Houthi attacks on commercial vessels must stop.

Add remember the catalog of prissy ‘you just don’t‘ scolding that Barack Obama and John Kerry indulged in response to Putin’s seizure and occupation of eastern Ukraine and Crimea in 2014.

So far, we’ve heard that Austin announced Operation Prosperity Guardian to be deployed to the Red Sea to escort container ships through the Suez Canal, which connects the Red Sea to the Mediterranean.

As The Wall Street Journal reported:

Mr. Austin says the goal of the coalition of at least 10 nations is to protect the ‘freedom of navigation for all countries’ while ‘bolstering regional security.’

[And] he called the Houthi threat an ‘international challenge that demands collective action.’

Along with the UK and France, whose war-fighting capacities have been strapped by sending armaments to Ukraine, the coalition comprises the Netherlands, Spain, Bahrain, the Seychelles, and Canada.

Seriously? Do we really think a coalition of military pygmies will spook the Houthi, let alone Iran?

And why aren’t more NATO nations joining a “multilateral” coalition of the sort so beloved by the cheerleaders for the “rules-based international order”?

Decades of under-funded militaries and the Ukraine adventure have depleted their already ailing military stockpiles, and taxed their arms production industries.

Take the UK, for example. According to the Journal:

The U.K. hasn’t allocated the money to cover the investments it has planned to make in weaponry and equipment through 2033. The auditors’ report raises alarm about a £16.9 billion defense shortfall—the biggest since the auditors began examining these 10-year plans in 2012. Under some scenarios the funding gap could rise to £29.8 billion, the report says.

Yet we are facing a similar weakness in our Navy. As retired Navy captain and navalist Jerry Hendrix wrote in the Journal, the boldness of Houthi attacks on our ships:

[S]how that American naval deterrence is failing, [despite our global commitments and the continuing growth of China’s navy.]

Hendrix continued:

But the shrinking American fleet—down from a Reagan administration high of 594 ships in 1987 to 291 ships today—and the rapid expansion of the Chinese navy—composed of 340 warships today and expected to rise to 400 ships by 2025—has placed the value of American presence in question.

The Operation Prosperity Guardian coalition and Austin’s blustering that Iran “must stop” will not impress the Mullahs or their henchmen, whom our leaders have long been appeasing, most recently by asking the Houthi, no doubt in elegant diplo-speak, to stop their attacks, and throwing in some limited sanctions.

Such cringing requests, slap-on-the wrist sanctions, and Austin’s “must stop” are not improved by a Potemkin coalition, which seems like an exercise in diplomacy in order to avoid what is necessary but politically dicey.

This feckless evasion of necessary action is what the “globalists perfume” as “smart diplomacy.” But any diplomacy without serious action can be criminally stupid.

America is long overdue smart, conservative leadership, and the hostile state of the world is the result.