George W. Bush Makes Another HUGE Admission

The Freudian slip of a lifetime?


[O]ut of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks…?

This is not the first time this has happened; other instances follow below, but first this.

Speaking to a crowd recently, George W. Bush said:

…the decision of one man to launch a wholly unjustified and brutal invasion of Iraq…

He then caught himself and said:

I mean, Ukraine!

What he said next is not clear, but he laughed and said:

Well, ok…Iraq too.

We cannot make this stuff up.

Watch here:

Again, this is not the first time this has happened.

Remember this one below?

Our souls and our spirits have only so much they can bear before they break down.

Do you think GWB is breaking down?

The truth may be oozing out from the cracks of this broken man.

Judge for yourself:

Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks…

That’s Matthew 12:34.

And never is that so relevant as when politicians “slip up” and tell us what they are really thinking.

This is certainly old, but it is worth viewing again in light of a new War and Occupation heating up in the Middle East. With the prospect that America is going to be involved in the region with boots on the ground for decades to come, this is incredibly relevant.

Listen as for once in his life, George W. Bush tells the truth about how the Middle East would be MUCH better off if we just left and got out:

Very interesting that some believe this is not even a “slip of the tongue,” rather it is some strange concept where they need to warn us in advance about what they are going to do.

Very strange but it does seem to be some sort of rule of the universe that these evil people do seem to have to warn and hide in plain sight what they’re going to do.

Just like when Barrack Hussein Obama admitted his ‘Muslim faith’:

Or when Bush again admitted being behind 9/11:

We all thought the Bushes were great patriots….great Republicans.

In fact, we thought the battle was Republican vs. Democrat.

We know better now.

Now we see it for what it really is: globalists vs. nationalists.

Those who hate America and want to destroy it vs. those who LOVE America.

We see clearly now.

But there was a time we supported Bush and trusted what he said.

Oh, even then we knew he wasn’t the smartest tool in the shed.

And that may be his ultimate downfall, as we see in this video where GWB admits there were explosives used in 9/11.

Watch it here on Rumble:

By the way, this is not the first time allegations of explosions have been made.

There is a mountain of evidence (plus common sense and trusting what our eyes saw) to realize that it was a controlled demolition.

Even Trump himself said so the week of the wreckage.

Read more from Daily Commercial News.

Watch more here:

Final thoughts: Something favorable may be said to describe those past leaders living now with heavy hearts.

The only description for those who are not experiencing the emotional weight of their horrendous actions: ‘Pure Evil.’