Could the Sudden Clean-up in San Francisco for China Be Proof That Trump is Winning the 2024 Election Prep?

When leaders in California and San Francisco cleaned up the city for the arrival of China’s communist dictator Xi Jinping, was this a sign that the game was over and the mask had come off?

This from

Suddenly, people in San Francisco as well as Americans around the country were able to see that the city could have been cleaned up at any time. The leaders there obviously chose not to make any improvements. And why? Again, a smart guess would put the blame on Obama’s fundamental transformation of America into a collapsed sh*thole.

What an insult and an existential threat to We the People. And it is so obvious that even a leftist like Bill Maher gets it. Which raises the question, ‘Why does anyone still claim the democrat party as their choice, their benefactor?’

FOX News reported:

Bill Maher says Dems’ last-minute San Fran clean-up for Xi is a sign that ‘Trump is winning’ in 2024.

Real Time host Bill Maher connected the dots between the Democrats’ abrupt clean-up of San Francisco ahead of Chinese President Xi Jinping’s visit and President Trump’s potential election victory in 2024.

Maher kicked off the panel discussion on Friday:

I want to try a theory out on you why Trump is killing it—not just within the party, but he’s beating Biden heavily too.

Because Xi, President Xi of China, came to our state this week and met with Biden up in San Francisco, and they had a little summit.


And they did something very interesting in San Francisco. I mean, I have done many, many jokes as many comedians have about stepping and poop in San Francisco and, you know, it’s a city that needs to be put under control—so they did!

Because Xi was coming! Put aside the fact that you only clean up with company coming over?

OK, so they cleaned it up, they rinse off the street, the homeless, you know, God forbid the guy who sends us the fentanyl sees somebody on fentanyl.

This, to me, is why Trump is winning, because he talks about, ‘I’m going to open up the mental hospitals.’

Maher continued:

Again, I’m not saying these are necessarily a good solution. When he talks, ‘I’m gonna put people in camps, the immigrants,’ all this kind of stuff, and people just see a place—a country, especially in the cities that look out-of-control.

And the fact that the Democrats could control it for three days, how about making it permanent?

Bill Maher—not a conservative—is trying to be a canary in a coal mine for the Left. He is terrified that Trump is going to win in 2024. But why?

Why is Maher more afraid of Trump than Biden and Obama and globalism?

Final thought, a question: Will there ever come a time when Maher and all other bleeding-heart liberals are able to extract their heads from their anal orifices and acknowledge that a) socialism/liberalism does not work, b) globalism IS working but its goal is to drastically reduce world population and turn the survivors into slaves for the well-being of the elite, and c) Conservatism and the Trump MAGA movement is the only logical choice?