What Choice Does Israel Have But to Fight?

The only sacred rule that holds in Islam is the law of force—the only true law in Islam.

From the earliest days when Mohammed ethnically cleansed the Jewish population of Arabia to the wars of the present day, everything is settled by the sword, and nothing by treaty or humanity.

This in part from frontpagemag.com.

Hamas leaders have been open about their intentions. The ceasefire propagandists rioting in our streets, staging insurrections at the Capitol and blocking bridges are the ones who are sadly mistaken or cruelly lying—to themselves if not We the People.

But then again when has the anti-war movement not lied about the intentions of its allies?

When Communists protested against the United States entering the war against Nazi Germany during the Hitler-Stalin Pact, when they marched in the streets to save Communist China, North Korea, Pol Pot and every Communist monster in Asia, every Marxist madman in Latin America, and after that every Islamic terror state around the world: they did it in the name of peace.

The blood of over 100 million people are on the hands of a century of “peace protesters” who have been consistently on the side of evil every single time in 100 years of riots and rallies.

Theirs is the credit for camps and famines in China and North Korea, for the devastation (and the constant migration) out of Latin America, and the destruction of the Middle East.

Now they’re out there demanding that Hamas get a chance to finish what it started.

Let’s think about what they are saying: When they call for a ceasefire with Hamas, what they are really calling for is Jewish genocide.

[Metaphorically speaking, they are] pulling on the soldier’s hand that holds the gun so the terrorist can stab him in the back.

At a minimum, a balance of power must be maintained with Jihadist.

The moment they can attack you and kill you, they will because that is their entire purpose in life and the primary means of expansion of the religion that they represent. The only way to stop them from killing you is to kill them or to build a wall and watch it every second of every day.

The moment your attention wanders, they will come across, as they did on Oct 7, and kill you.

No agreement that Hamas or any Islamic terrorist group, including the Palestinian Authority, makes is worth anything to anyone. A truce or ceasefire with Islamic terrorists gives them the ability to carry out a surprise attack and robs you of the right to strike first.

NOTE: Agreements with Islamic terrorists and terror states are worthless whether they are with non-moslems or with fellow moslems.

 – The Taliban violated every part of the agreement that they negotiated with [the U.S.] through their intermediaries in Qatar (who also negotiated the previous Hamas ceasefire and the current truce.)

– Ceasefires and truces in the Syrian and Yemen civil wars were violated more often than kept.

– Saddam Hussein broke every truce, whether it was with Iran or the United States.

– Iran violated all the agreements that it signed with [the U.S.].

Further: The Sunni and Shiite wars have gone on for nearly as long as Islam existed, and they continue. All the endless agreements, truces and ceasefires never stopped moslems from killing each other for 1,400 years over whether Mohammed should have been succeeded by his father-in-law or his cousin and son-in-law. What hope do non-moslems have for peace? None.

The killing and the violence will not end until the Islamic terrorists are destroyed. And even then, reconstituting moslem acts of violence is only a question of which madrasa from which the child received nurturing and training.

Final thoughts, a question and an answer: What if the Jews had purchased land elsewhere and had chosen to establish Israel in some God forsaken land other than the Middle East, other than what Biblical accounts term as their land, and land for God’s chosen ones?

An answer in less than ten words: Human nature would still outweigh common sense.


  a. The moslems still being Islamists would still be battling one another as well as seeking to conquer and forcibly convert the world.

  b. The once desert lands between the river and the sea that had been regenerated by much Jewish hard work and foreign investment would still be near-uninhabitable desert.

  c. Whatever other land chosen and purchased for Jewish settlement—however once God forsaken—would be fruitful, productive, and thriving.

  d. Someone, some peoples would be claiming the people of Israel stole their land and they’d be demanding the Jews leave. Also, these other peoples would likely be continuously trying to exterminate the people of Israel.

Conclusion: The only choice for Israel is to remain where they are and fight.