A Quick Look at What Is Being Reported by the Far Left: Host Visibly Disturbed by Trump Polling

CNN reporter Kasie Hunt appeared visibly disturbed and no doubt surprised by what she was provided to read while reporting new polling data showing President Trump leading Joe Biden by ten points in Michigan and by five points in Georgia.

Of course, these numbers are severely under reported, but the fact that the mass propaganda media is being instructed to report that Joe-Joe is losing must be seen for what it is worth. And by ‘what it is worth’ means to ask, ‘What next?’

The GOP has raised their ante with the announced Impeachment Inquiry, but We the People know this will not amount in an impeachment. Likely, the communists/globalists will remove Joe-Joe, perhaps with a 25th Amendment action. But worse events could be brought about by a mentally unstable communist/globalist menagerie fraught with fear over Trump’s reelection.

The poll also revealed low approval ratings for Biden’s job performance in both states, with significant numbers of voters expressing dissatisfaction with his policies and negative views of his sharpness and stamina.

Telling that only two states are addressed. Everyone but the Kool-Aid drinkers know The Regime is unpopular in all fifty states.

The results indicate a remarkable turn in fortune for Trump against a struggling Biden, with the former leading in several swing states and among independent voters.

Hunt further stated:

The news is not great for President Biden.


Trump’s margin over Biden is significantly boosted in both states by people who say they did not vote in 2020.

She added:

These less engaged voters favored Trump by 26 points in Georgia and by 40 points in Michigan.

Pollster Caroline Bye said:

Right now, Biden is not getting any credit for work he’s done on the economy.

Oh, but he is. Nothing positive is being reported as nothing positive. What is not being reported, though, is that The Regime is purposely destroying the economy, you knucklehead.

More from Bye:

Almost twice as many voters in the swing states are saying that Bidenomics is bad for the economy, as opposed to good for the economy, which is a really startling fact if you’re the Biden campaign.

The findings reflect a challenging landscape for The Regime, marked by overseas conflicts, a sluggish economy, and a migration crisis. All of their own creation.

Update, pm December 14, 2023:

The communists’/globalists’ relentless persecution of President Trump has backfired. And as their failures have multiplied, their narrative has crumbled.

Benny Johnson posted:

Donald Trump LEADS Joe Biden in every swing state polled by Bloomberg. Trump [is] still also leading in the RealClearPolitics National Average.