Commentary: The Mutants Among Us—Social Media Is Home-Growing Them

Q: How do you create a generation that will believe in anything?

A: Inappropriate-content social media saturation.

NOTE: A generation raised on inappropriate-content social media is a generation devoid of their own internal reality. Each generation in the last 60 years has grown up with less of a sense of who it is than the previous one.

This from

Since the un-Godly horrors of Oct 7, purple-haired genderqueer activists on TikTok have taken to reading the Koran and pondering their conversion to Islam.

Yes, this may seem like a leap, but once you’re a teenage girl who decides to be a boy for internet clout, changing to Islam is much less difficult and perhaps exciting—damned be the thought that Islam does not accept transgenderism.

Hijabs, like dyed hair and androgynous clothes, have long become just another accessory of restless social change.

Commercials that claim to relate to the youth invariably include a woman in a hijab as a progressive marker alongside a purple haired they/them, an ascetic activist type in a t-shirt, and random minorities laughing together while having lattes on a college campus.

It’s Brainwashing 101.

The intangible sense of being an American that once came from boundless frontiers, a work ethic, a sense of fair play and meritocracy was replaced by cultural programming distributed by daily newspapers, big publishing houses and movie theaters, then television networks and colleges, and finally a massive chaotic stream of social media sewage.

American identity used to be strong because it was internal and acquired through hard work and the character shaping experiences of life in a country with many possibilities.

[Alas, American life] became performative for those members of newer generations with diminishing frontiers who acquired theirs from following a script written for them by the entertainment industry and radical academics. Rather than learning who they were, they copied who they thought they should be.

Social media combined with academic theories that reduced all identities to a construct unleashed a generation of mutants who mimeographed behaviors on social media.

Identity became a game.

And identity could be gamed for maximum advantage.

Socially astute and emotionally unstable teens spread social media diseases like transgenderism or facial tics.

Politics too became a cultural identity that could be cosplayed at will. Some social media influencers played far-leftists and then fascists, putting on and taking off costumes, swapping t-shirts with different slogans. Antifa shirts giving way to farm dresses and then hijabs.

On Sunday, they’re wearing pink hats, on Monday, they’re attending alt-right art shows, on Tuesday, they have their fists in the air for BLM, and on Wednesday they’re waving ‘Palestinian’ flags.

‘Hands Up, Don’t Shoot’ segue ways to ‘From the River to the Sea.’ They rarely understand any of the causes they embrace, but politics to them is just a fashion show.

It’s hard to blame the mutants. They grew up on inappropriate content social media where the old high school cliques had become clusters detailing international politics, massive lifestyle changes, or castrations and mastectomies.

The outfits and the posturing are about getting

attention, finding a group, and a lucrative side hustle.

Social media and academia turned millions of people into living viruses whose emotional needs drive them to find weaknesses in our existing systems and ways of living. Teenage girls who might have gone goth and flirted—but not too seriously—with suicide in a previous generation announce that they’re boys and encourage impressionable younger girls to join them.

The ideal recruits for totalitarians are believers who can latch onto any mass movement at the drop of a dime because they desperately need something to believe in to fill the hole within. The leftist culture war has left behind generations of cultural orphans, robbed of faith, family and country, who veer between causes and identities, changing politics, religions, and genders with total ease because they want to believe, yet they were born without anything to believe in.

Mutants are too busy running away to want to think about what they’re running to. Today’s cause will get tiring soon. It will require too much commitment and then grow stale. They will have to look at themselves in mirrors and see that they are the same people they were yesterday. And then they will find a new cause to champion and a new disguise to wear.

Today they’re transgender, tomorrow they’re moslems. And the day after tomorrow?

‘Know thyself,’ an old dead white man once said. That is still the only bulwark against mass cultural programming and a society gone mad.

The business of a healthy society is expecting each man and woman to know themselves. Those who believe in nothing, can become anything, but those who know themselves, can become who they are and fulfill their potential. Mutants cannot change the world, only destroy it.

Final thoughts: Four days ago, I posted an article on Def-Con News: Teens…Mentally Healthy…Conservative Parents… which, I believe, tells an important side of the great promise for America’s future—mentally healthy, cognitively astute young people to assume hold of the reins of American and world leadership, even if future America is something smaller than the current fifty states.

Keep the faith and Trust the Plan.