Gaza Woman Denounces Hamas for Stealing All the Aid

An elderly woman in Gaza was being interviewed by an Al Jazeera reporter when, no doubt to his surprise, she denounced Hamas for stealing all the aid meant for the people of Gaza.

This from

Watch the lady’s outburst below (photo no longer available, click below):

Gaza woman tells Al-Jazeera that Hamas is stealing all the aid.

Times of Israel, December 7, 2023:

In a rare display of public criticism, a Gaza resident tells the Al-Jazeera TV channel that the lack of aid to residents of the Strip is due to Hamas stealing it.

Asked about the supposed trickle of aid coming into Gaza, the woman, says there is plenty of aid, but ‘all aid goes down (into Hamas tunnels).’

When the journalist from the pro-Palestinian Qatari channel tells her that only a small amount of aid is coming in and it is all being distributed, she shakes her fingers at him and says:

‘All of it goes into their houses. They take it and will even shoot me or do whatever they want, Hamas.’

[S]he says:

‘The aid does not reach the nation, all the people.’

In a related story, the IDF recently found receipts in a Hamas-occupied house in Gaza, made out to Moaz Haniyeh, the son of Ismail Haniyeh, the leader of Hamas’ “political wing,” for $25,000 worth of jewelry. That story can be found here: “IDF shows receipts it says show Haniyeh’s son bought thousands of dollars of jewelry,” Times of IsraelDecember 7, 2023:

The IDF publishes receipts found during raids on Hamas sites in the Gaza Strip that it says shows that a son of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh bought jewelry in recent years worth thousands of dollars while many in Gaza were going hungry.

The post from IDF Arabic language spokesman Avicha Adraee purport to show receipts from both Gaza and Qatar for purchases made by Moaz Haniyeh.

The five receipts total some $25,000.

The post notes that the ‘amount of just one receipt is equivalent to approximately two years’ wages for a Gaza resident.’

What will Gaza residents make of such lavish spending by a member of Hamas’ royalty?

And what will the Gazans think, as they try to survive, and support their families, on a few thousand dollars a year, when they discover that Ismail Haniyeh, who has for years been living in five-star luxury in Doha, has amassed a fortune of $4 billion?

Or when they find out that two other Hamas leaders, Moussa bin Marzouk and Khaled Meshaal, both of them also living large in Doha, have helped themselves to $3 billion and $4 billion, respectively, that is, at least a thousand times what the average Palestinian breadwinner can make in a year of toil, assuming he can even find a job?

Once the IDF has destroyed Hamas’ military might, what will the people of Gaza do to the remaining Hamas members, now suddenly vulnerable?

They are likely to explode—like the elderly woman who denounced Hamas to an Al Jazeera reporter—in murderous rage at the Hamas operatives still alive in Gaza who have made their lives so miserable for so long.

How will those in the West who are now so busy defending Hamas as the legitimate “resistance” to colonial-settler-apartheid-genocidal Israel then react?

Will those students on campus now loudly declaring “we are Hamas” and “we echo Hamas” find a new way to express their hatred of Israel? Of course they will.