Def-Con News Predictions For 2024

Starting with 2020, each year has been a bigger catastrophe than the last and 2024 will be no different. It’s possible the Joe Biden is the Antichrist, predicted in the Book of Revelations, because he sure seems like he’s bringing about the Endtimes. Below are some predictions for the coming year, that hopefully I’m wrong about.

Detroit Lions Play in the Super Bowl

I firmly believe that all professional sports are fixed, and if so, the NFL would do well to make sure the Detroit Lions make the Super Bowl this year. The Lions have been the least successful team in the Super Bowl era and there are so many displaced Michigan sports fans across the country, that a Lions appearance would result int the highest rated game ever. I’m not ready to predict the Lions actually winning, because they are, after all, the Lions, but they will be in the big game. BTW, the Lions winning the Super Bowl is one of the signs of the Apocalypse, so maybe it will happen in this apocalyptic year.

2024 Will Be the Worst Year for Entertainment

Thanks to the writers and actors strike, we’re about to hit a period of absolutely nothing to watch on TV or at the movies. A halt in production for nearly the last half of the year means it will be some time before anything new comes out. That’s on top of the fact that the entertainment industry was already completely out of new ideas, so suck plus suck equals super-suck. There will however be plenty of really awful reality shows, that otherwise wouldn’t have been green-lit, to fill the empty airways and studios will probably re-release classic films to sucker people into buying movie tickets to films they have already seen.

The Electric Vehicle Market Will Bottom Out

Jie Biden’s handlers are pushing the shit out of electric vehicles and most major automakers are balls in on producing them, but it will all fall apart this year. Ford is already losing their ass on every electric F-150 they sell and it ain’t going to get any better for them or anyone else. The reasons are very simple and the first is that EVs are too expensive and impractical for most people. The democrats passed $10 billion in the so-called Infrastructure bill to build charging stations across the country, but almost two years in, they haven’t put up a single one. Also, we’ve hit peak-EV, meaning everyone who wants one already has it. Nearly 50% of EV owners say they will not buy another EV, and the rest of us like our internal combustion engines.

2024 Will Officially Be A Recession

Make no mistake about it, we’re already in a recession, but the compliant liberal media refuses to call it that. A weird kind of thing has been going on all year that nobody widely reports, but every time the jobs numbers come out, they get adjusted downward a month later. The reported jobs numbers haven’t been great and in realty they are pathetic. Inflation and high interest rates means that houses and big ticket items aren’t moving, plus business aren’t expanding. The insane cost of consumer goods, especially food, gas, and utilities has people spending less on non-necessities. All of this adds up to a recession, that we’re already in, but this year it will be harder for the liberal media to lie about.

Joe Biden Will Pardon His Crackhead Son

The walls are closing in on Joe Biden’s crack-smoking scumbag of a son, Hunter, so bad that daddy is going to have to do something about it. Especially since Hunter is going to drag Joe down with him. Even Papa Joe’s Justice Department can’t ignore Hunter’s lawlessness and he already is facing serious prison time. House Republicans have the goods on the entire corrupt Biden crime family and it’s not looking good for them. But, if Joe were to issue a blanket pardon of Hunter’s criminal activity, that would stop all investigations and criminal prosecutions. It’s not like the media is going to cry foul at this, so there’s zero reasons for Joe not to do it. As an added bonus prediction, Joe will avoid being impeached.

Donald Trump Will Not Be the Republican Nominee for President

Donald Trump was never supposed to be President in 2016, and the Swamp, the Regime, or whatever you want to call the establishment cesspool that runs things, spent four years trying to destroy him. Then, they literally stole the election away from him in 2020. Since then, they’ve upped their efforts with dozens of bullshit criminal charges and civil lawsuits, all to keep him from running again. Simply put, they will not allow him to become President again. I don’t know how it’s going to go down, but I have a strong feeling they will succeed in blocking his bid. The swamp seems to love Nikki Haley, so she will probably be granted permission to run.

Joe Biden Will Not Be the Democratic Nominee for President

Joe Biden’s handlers are already doing a Weekend at Bernie’s kind of thing with the senile occupier of the White House and it simply cannot continue. They can’t hide his lack of physical and mental abilities for another election cycle, and his popularity is somewhere bellow deep-fried shit on a stick. No amount of election meddling is going to put Joe Biden back in the White House, so something will come up this year, that sees Pedo Pete dropping out of the race. Maybe it’s a mystery illness or perhaps Joe will simply announce that he’s accomplish enough and doesn’t need a second term. Along those same lines, Kamala Harris, who is less popular that deep-fried shit on a stick, smothered in diarrhea, will bow out as well. Expect, hair-gel Nazi Gavin Newsom as the dem’s nominee come November.

Catastrophe Will Strike In 2024

This last prediction is vague, but will almost certainly happen. In 2024 something catastrophic will happen that will facilitate the democrats stealing the White House again. They can’t win, especially now, if the 2024 presidential election is on the level, so they need some kind of existential threat to control the process, like they did with COVID-19 in 2020. Maybe it will be another pandemic, but more likely it will involve war. It could be major U.S. involvement in a conflict, either in Europe, the Middle East, or Asia, and probably a combination of all three, AKA WWIII. Another very real possibility is that the 10 million and growing illegal aliens Biden has let in will stage a violent revolt, causing a martial law situation, resolution in another mail-in election that can be rigged.