The English Have Lost Their Minds—And Perhaps Soon Their Nation—Take Note, America

Population decline is problematic, but population growth that will ultimately transform Britain into a Sharia State is something only radical Islam could celebrate.

This from

For the editors of the Spectator:

To cheer this dire development [IS NOT] surprising—plenty of nominally conservative periodicals seem unable to shake the libertarian credo that importing armies of [homicidal] riffraff is socioeconomic[ly] good—but it’s disappointing, to say the least.

Indeed, to read such insanity in the year 2024 is to recognize just how nationally and culturally ignorant and/or suicidal Western Europeans have become toward the course their continent is taking.

In 1961, there were 50,000 moslems in all of Britain and a total of seven mosques. Twenty years later, the Islamic population had increased tenfold and the number of mosques had risen by almost 2000%. Today the official tally is closing in on five million. And the number of mosques? It’s well into the four figures.

And the impact this rampant growth has had on Britain:

[T]he 2005 London bombings killed 52 and injured 784; the Manchester Arena bombing killed 22 and injured 512.

In the town of Rotherham alone (pop. 265,000), the rapes of 1400 English girls by [moslem] gangs have been systematically covered up for decades by police, politicians, social workers, and the media. There’s no reason to believe that the situation isn’t just as bad in cities and towns all over England.

Politicians are no longer safe, either.

In 2021, a Conservative Party MP, David Amess, was murdered by a jihadist at a meeting with constituents—and his pusillanimous colleagues collaborated with the media to turn the focus away from the dangers of Islam to the supposed perils of “online abuse.”

Just the other day, another conservative MP, Mike Freer, who is gay and who represents a largely Jewish constituency, announced that he would be leaving the House of Commons in the wake of numerous threats from [moslems].

Members of other non-Western immigrant groups—notably Hindus—have done a spectacular job of integrating peacefully and prosperously into British society. But the record of moslems in Britain, who outnumber Hindus in Britain by almost four to one, has been drastically different.

Instead of assimilating, they’ve formed sharia enclaves where their imams preach hatred of the West. While their daughters wear hijabs symbolizing subordination and their sons terrorize the schools, the parents demand that those schools purge curricula of material that contradicts their religious teachings.

In every other report involving moslems, the news is bad:

 – [T]he ever-growing number of Muslims who live on the dole—and who’ve never so much as contemplated entering the job market—has placed an ever-growing burden on the British welfare state, necessitating ever more severe cutbacks in other public expenses,

– In one city after another, everyday barbarism—machete attacks, acid attacks, and rape statistics that have risen 340% nationwide in the last decade,

– [N]ative Britons feel increasingly unsafe, even as adherents of a faith whose holy book calls for their destruction receive preferential treatment in everything from housing to hiring to higher education,

– Hundreds—if not thousands—of native Brits have dared to state the truth about Islam only to be imprisoned for it, and

– [I]n recent months, as the streets of British cities have filled weekend after weekend with rabid [moslems] shouting antisemitic slogans, it has been hard not to imagine them doing to their infidel neighbors what Hamas did to Israelis on October 7.

How did all this start? In Britain, as in other countries throughout Western Europe, it began with government officials who decided they needed to enlarge the workforce. Apparently, it never occurred to them that importing people whose core values differed radically from those of their native-born citizens could lead to catastrophe. Nor did it occur to them to ask their citizenry for their opinions about this cataclysmic policy decision.

Wrongheaded thinking decades ago set Britain—and the rest of Western Europe—on the road to disaster:

– Newcomers to the UK tend to have larger families, and

– Almost a third of all British babies are born to immigrant mothers (in London, it’s closer to 60 per cent).

Placating phrases like “multi-faith society” are bandied about with no absolute value beyond rationalizing a slow, painful demise,

London, “which, as many longtime inhabitants lament,” no longer remotely resembles its former self:

[E]ntire neighborhoods now look like Kabul or Karachi, police arrest critics of Islam but ignore [moslem] violence, politicians wink at urban rot while mouthing insipid pieties about ‘cultural enrichment,’ and the mainstream media demonize anyone who dares to speak honestly about what is, in fact, an existential nightmare in the making.

The great replacement theory is no longer a theory. The new tone-deaf explanation:

[W]e now live in a world where people are on the move. Every day, 1,400 people emigrate from Britain and 3,200 newcomers arrive.

The term ‘great replacement theory’ is in actuality a demographic response to a globalized world.

But is globalism a fait accompli, a revolutionary demographic change as a force of nature? Must the Brits accept the moslem invasion just as the Anglo-Saxons had no choice but to accept the Norman Conquest in 1066?

Ordinary British voters have been ignored on the immigration issue—as a result of the unending flood of newcomers, young British natives cannot get decent jobs or buy homes, and older folks are denied vitally important medical treatments or are put on long waiting lists for them. Meanwhile illegal immigrants are first in line for many of the goodies.

Final thoughts, including questions: Where will this ongoing moslem invasion of Britain lead? Certainly, the people have sufficient proof that mass immigration has ravaged their lives. Conversely, however, the same mass immigration has not yet brought direct harm to the lives of the elites who run key institutions. Inevitably, at some point soon this will begin to occur, and what then? Will the demise of Christian Britain have become a fait accompli or will there be blood in the streets as Racial/Cultural War ensues?

And American leaders must not dismiss

this as mere antics across the pond.