Wednesday Morning Breakfast For The Brain

Good morning Deplorables, the apocalypse is here and good luck finding any toilet paper.

This Is a Test: How Will the Constitution Fare During a Nationwide Lockdown?

By John W. Whitehead

This is a test.

This is not a test of our commitment to basic hygiene or disaster preparedness or our ability to come together as a nation in times of crisis, although we’re not doing so well on any of those fronts.

No, what is about to unfold over the next few weeks is a test to see how well we have assimilated the government’s lessons in compliance, fear and police state tactics; a test to see how quickly we’ll march in lockstep with the government’s dictates, no questions asked; and a test to see how little resistance we offer up to the government’s power grabs when made in the name of national security.

Most critically of all, this is a test to see whether the Constitution—and our commitment to the principles enshrined in the Bill of Rights—can survive a national crisis and true state of emergency.

Here’s what we know: whatever the so-called threat to the nation—whether it’s civil unrest, school shootings, alleged acts of terrorism, or the threat of a global pandemic in the case of COVID-19—the government has a tendency to capitalize on the nation’s heightened emotions, confusion and fear as a means of extending the reach of the police state.

This coronavirus epidemic, which has brought China’s Orwellian surveillance out of the shadows and caused Italy to declare a nationwide lockdown, threatens to bring the American Police State out into the open on a scale we’ve not seen before.

If and when a nationwide lockdown finally hits—if and when we are forced to shelter in place— if and when militarized police are patrolling the streets— if and when security checkpoints have been established— if and when the media’s ability to broadcast the news has been curtailed by government censors—if and when public systems of communication (phone lines, internet, text messaging, etc.) have been restricted—if and when those FEMA camps the government has been surreptitiously building finally get used as quarantine detention centers for American citizens—if and when military “snatch and grab” teams are deployed on local, state, and federal levels as part of the activated Continuity of Government plans to isolate anyone suspected of being infected with COVID-19—and if and when martial law is enacted with little real outcry or resistance from the public—then we will truly understand the extent to which the government has fully succeeded in recalibrating our general distaste for anything that smacks too overtly of tyranny.

This is how it begins.

Read the entire article HERE.

National Guard is sent to virus-stricken New York suburb

Via Stars And Stripes

New York’s governor announced Tuesday he is sending the National Guard to help clean public spaces and deliver food in a New York City suburb that is at the center of the nation’s biggest known cluster of coronavirus cases, as the battle against the U.S. outbreak intensified.

The move came as health authorities contended with alarming bunches of infections on both coasts and scattered cases in between.

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo said three schools and other gathering places will be shut down for two weeks in a containment zone in New Rochelle, the epicenter of an outbreak of more than 100 cases. The zone will extend a mile in all directions from a synagogue connected to some of the infections, officials said. The troops will help scrub public places and feed people quarantined at home.

Officials would not say how many National Guard members would be involved, and there was no immediate sign of any troops on the streets. Apart from those who are under quarantine, residents and visitors to the community of 79,000 will be able to come and go freely, with no checkpoints set up, and businesses can remain open.

“It is a dramatic action, but it is the largest cluster of cases in the country,” Cuomo said. “The numbers are going up unabated, and we do need a special public health strategy.”

Read the entire article HERE.

Mini-Tuesday Takeaways: The DNC Club Has Bernie Surrounded – Now Comes The Terms For Exit…

Via The Conservative Treehouse

Bernie Sanders came into mini-Tuesday hoping for Michigan and Washington State to help him stay within closing distance of DNC favorite Joe Biden. However, Bernie was crushed in Mississippi, Missouri and Michigan by the machine – not by Joe Biden.

Bernie was left with a possible 50/50 split in Washington State where over 125,000 voters mailed-in ballots for Elizabeth Warren (mailed prior to withdrawal), not accidental, all by Club design. The Club is in control now, full control; and Biden is the malleable vessel the administrative state hopes to utilize to take control of all government function.

Bernie lost the heavily union influenced state of Michigan by over 200,000 votes (53/37); many of those union votes were against losing their Cadillac healthcare plans. A stunning defeat for Senator Sanders in a state he narrowly carried in 2016. The losses in Mississippi (81 to 15) and Missouri (60 to 35) were by even wider proportions.

Michigan was a big loss because…. To make matters worse, Bernie Sanders now sees the Club has out maneuvered his last remaining hope. Florida, Ohio, Illinois and Arizona all vote on March 17th.

Florida (219 delegates) is a lost cause. ‘Fidel’ Sanders will likely see a similar outcome he received in Mississippi, no delegates. Illinois (155 delegates), like Michigan, is under the full control of the Club – no viable hope. Bernie’s road-map included Ohio (136 delegates), but the Club knee-capped him on that possibility; intentionally and smartly, by cancelling all indoor rallies under the auspices of Coronavirus. That only leaves Arizona (67 delegates); but by then it’s likely too late, and the best possibility is another 50/50 split.

So Bernie Sanders campaign is done.

Read the entire article HERE.

STOP Hoarding Toilet Paper, You Sick Freaks! TP Will Not Save You From Coronavirus

Via PJ Media

That’s it! I’ve had it. I thought the photos of empty shelves of toilet paper on social media were a hoax, and then I went grocery shopping. Everything seemed normal enough until I got to the toilet paper aisle.


Who is doing this? You know who you are, and you’re the absolute worst people on earth. How could you take away your neighbor’s toilet paper and leave them with this sandpaper alternative, Scott tissue? What, in the name of God’s green earth, is wrong with you? Were you dropped on your head as a baby? Did you eat paint chips? Were you locked away from humanity in a closet where you developed darkness in place of a soul? What did anyone ever do to you that would make you subject them to one-ply toilet paper that chafes?

As I stood there sighing in disbelief, a woman stopped and said, “I know. Isn’t it ridiculous?” Yes, ma’am, it is. Grown-ass adults should know better than to hoard things they don’t need. The coronavirus is not a diarrhea disease. There’s no reason why anyone needs enough toilet paper to fill up the basement, and yet every store in town is out. I didn’t get the memo that this was a thing, so now that I need to buy one package of toilet paper for my family’s regular use, I can’t—because YOU PEOPLE ARE EVIL AND STUPID.

Toilet paper will not save you from the coronavirus. Neither will the hand sanitizer you appear to be drinking or the Clorox wipes, which are also all gone. You are going to die. Maybe not this month, and maybe not from a virus, but you are going to die. You should come to grips with that right now. This kind of panic and disregard for your fellow man is based on one thing: the fear of dying. Get a grip, go to church, wash your hands, and STOP HOARDING TOILET PAPER.

Read the entire article HERE.

Company releases free ‘Super Bernie World’ video game


The ever-changing digital landscape means endless new ways for candidates to try to gain support, so it’s no surprise to see politics leak into the world of video games.

Designed in the style of the classic Super Mario Bros. 3, the game Super Bernie World has players controlling Democratic candidate Bernie Sanders as he takes on “MAGAmbas, Mitch Troopas, ICE Bullets and Tiki Torchers,” on a quest to defeat President Donald Trump.

The game includes the menu option “pitch in for Bernie” that includes links to donate to Sanders via ActBlue, install Sanders’s Bern app, and help text, phone bank or organize with students for the Sanders campaign.

The release comes at a critical point during the Democratic nomination process, as the Vermont senator recently lost his delegate lead during Super Tuesday, and now trails former vice president Joe Biden during Super Tuesday.

Read the entire article HERE.

Nation To Use Coronavirus As Convenient Excuse To Quarantine California

Via The Babylon Bee

U.S.—As many cases of Coronavirus have now popped up in California despite the governor’s insistence that the state is a Coronavirus-free zone, the nation has announced a quarantine of California, though it’s pretty clear at this point the virus is simply a great excuse to quarantine the state that many have wanted to seal off for years.

“We are quarantining California. as we’ve finally got a reasonable excuse to pull it off,” said one CDC official. “We’ve been waiting for a flimsy excuse for many years, and this outbreak was the perfect chance for us to wall off the state that’s destroying the rest of the country.”

“Though if we’re being honest here, it’s just because it’s California. This has been a long time coming.”

“Uh, yeah, sure, Coronavirus is the reason that we’re sealing all Californians in there for an indefinite period of time,” President Trump said at a press conference, holding back laughter. “Hope they stay safe there.”

As the Coronavirus’s weakness seems to be water, a further measure will see California hacked off with a giant saw as in a Bugs Bunny cartoon and drowned in the sea.

“It’s the only way to be sure.”

Check out all of the Bee’s great takes on politics and culture HERE.

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