Commentary for a Sunday: Impending Conflict in America IS NOT a Second Civil War, We Will Be Fighting a Second Revolutionary War

“Civil War” connotes Americans will be fighting one another. However, a “1776-style struggle for Independence” denotes our common belief that the federal government—The Regime—must be brought to heel.

This from

A growing recognition of and antipathy for an entrenched ruling aristocracy with more allegiance to fellow globalists from the World Economic Forum, the World Health Organization, et al. than to fellow citizens from America’s heartland is causing widespread discussions of how to rid our beloved country of this detestable unaccountable bureaucracy.

There have been murmurs since Obama first spoke of his “fundamental transformation of America”—late 2008 or early 2009—about the potential for civil war in the United States. Polls depict half the country believes that future conflict is likely.

The intrusion of unchecked government power into every crevice of our private lives has transformed politics into a high-stakes cage match in which furious citizens fight to survive.

Because government exerts so much control over citizens, winning control of government has become an existential imperative. Such zero-sum thinking has fractured society and pitted Americans against one another.

However, something fundamental has been shifting beneath our feet.

Talk of ‘civil war’ between various coalitions of states transformed into calls for ‘independence’ from tyrannical government on par with America’s 1776 founding.

In turn, calls for an American-style ‘revolution’ against government abuse have transformed into the kind of rage against a ‘permanent ruling class’ that existed before the French Revolution and the Reign of Terror.

Through much unnecessary pain and discomfort, We the People have discovered some hard truths about our elected officials and their appointed officials. Civil War means citizens are quarreling—a certain “divide and conquer” operation for The Regime that would keep Americans too busy fighting one another to notice what kind of mischief they are conducting in D.C. However, when ordinary people begin to set aside their differences and instead turn their fury toward those holding the reins of power, suffice to say, trouble is brewing!

And to speak of ‘trouble brewing,’ the following may simply be the start of what could very well become the equivalent of Martin Luther‘s 95 Theses being nailed to the church door in the year 1517. In this case, however, we are outlining the faults of The Regime rather than the church but still we are demanding an end to the excesses and the corruption, as well as the selling of indulgences and instead for government to resume abiding by the existing laws and regulations.

Rapid technological advancements have given The Regime unsavory tools for pursuing unconstitutional, illegal, and immoral policies against We the American People, but the Elites of The Regime would not be so openly hostile to us or flagrantly dismissive of their constitutional obligations if they were not already afraid.

The following is a list, although not complete, of observations and abuses We the People have experienced from The Regime:

The heart of human freedom is on the line. And, increasingly, We the People are concluding The Regime is the [malefactor],

– There is an understandable tendency to look at the growth of government-directed censorship, warrantless surveillance, and political persecution as proof that We the People will soon be under the yoke of full-fledged totalitarianism,

The World Economic Forum’s “green new world order” seeks to eliminate private property, private communications, private transportation, and private transactions,

Green energy zealots have targeted Western farmers, miners, laborers, and machinists for cancelation,

Green energy-induced inflation has cut a hole in every struggling citizen’s pocket, while green energy-inspired regulations have devastated the livelihoods of every worker, and

Petulant and steel-booted policies meant to terrorize and dishearten us also reflect a growing fear among the ‘ruling elite.’

To wit:

You do not spend three years hunting down patriotic grandmas and selfless veterans who attended the J6 protest for free and fair elections unless you are terrified that a critical mass of people sees rampant election fraud as a Uniparty weapon for maintaining illegitimate control,

You do not set up ‘disinformation’ review boards or pretend public debate is a ‘threat to national security’ unless you are frightened of what ordinary people have to say, and

You do not spy on people’s financial transactions, text messages, and social media posts unless you view every single American as a danger to the State.

The single greatest “social transformation in several centuries” is occurring right now. No longer are We the People divided into a national population of “East vs. West,”  “North vs. South, ” or “Us vs. Them.”  A transnational consensus is growing among ordinary citizens and not only in the United States but throughout the world that recognize “coercive government is dangerous wherever it exists.”

The state of free speech in America was most recently exemplified by the severe punishment Tucker Carlson experienced “for having the temerity to engage in unsanctioned journalism.” The Regime would prefer We the People do not perform such acts of “freedom” or “liberty” because “those ideas are antithetical to bureaucratic mandates, institutional power-grabs, and rhetorical appeals to authority.”

This should not have to be said, but no society can be described as ‘free’ unless that society can engage in free speech. Likewise, there can be no free speech unless the public is free to criticize and disagree with the government. Any government that claims a monopoly to determine what is true is a government hostile to dissent, debate, and democratic self-rule.

The Regime has “so betrayed its duties to act as custodian of human rights” that it has become as tyrannical as the tyrants against whom We the People rebelled 250 years ago.

They are now little more than a collection of feudal lords using the trappings of their offices to enrich an insular ‘ruling class’ while impoverishing and diminishing the masses.

In conclusion, We the People are disgusted—eighty percent of us, that is, and the remaining twenty percent have begun to experience a necessary epiphany. Election fraud had long occurred but election theft has since become common place. Likewise, even if we manage to elect someone of our choosing, many times that candidate is a RINO and/or is compromised and consequently fails to properly represent us.

This is not a Civil War that is upon us, this is a Second Revolutionary War.

God speed and may God bless and keep safe President Trump.