Protecting Pedophiles Included in Communist/Globalist-Supported Plan in Congress

The problem at hand is the pending “Equality Act,” which all communists/globalists in the House are supporting.

This from

A report from Liberty Counsel, whose legal team has fought the LGBT ideology in many cases already, stated:

This is evil.

The proposed law, in fact, would “protect” pedophiles, along with those people who claim to be one of the estimated 550 “philias.”

The report cited a case involving a man who calls himself a woman and was working in a childcare center.

The report explained:

He was caught molesting a baby girl, but [the] plea-bargained result in the case included no jail.

Liberty Counsel’s report stated:

If HR 15, the so-called ‘Equality Act’ passes, we’ll see a lot more cases in which these confused abusers are given a virtual ‘pass’ on their sex crimes, because…


HR 15 seeks to protect more than 550

sexual deviancies, including pedophilia.

The report, from Liberty Counsel chief Mat Staver, explained:

The evil Dr. Alfred Kinsey of Indiana University’s Kinsey Institute for Research in Sex, Gender and Reproduction has caused incalculable damage.

As you may recall, Table 34 of Kinsey’s 1948 book, Sex and the Human Male, documented the sexual abuse of children and babies as young as 5 months old. … Kinsey claimed that the screams of the abused children were ‘proof’ that children and even babies ‘enjoyed’ being sexually abused.

The report noted that the plan protects LGBT identities, but it is the “Q” identities that are the worst.

The report stated:

Cosmopolitan states: ‘Queerness is an umbrella term that is both an orientation and a community. … The vagueness of the term is intentional—queer is an identity created for anyone outside of the heterosexual norm and meant to be inclusive.’

The report warned HR 15:

[C]reates a special class of rights for anyone who fits under the ‘LGBTQ’ class of people specified in the bill.


The report suggests readers contact Congress

and tell members to reject the idea.

But this is not the start of communist/globalist crazy laws and malfeasance.

A quick review of leftist moves made by Congress in recent years—and, of course, permitted by the GOP:

– A law that allows spying on Americans,

– Another that feds have used to target and jail pro-life protesters, and

– A mandate to buy a consumer product, health insurance, dictated by bureaucrats.

Then there are all the reinterpretations of the law, or its attached definitions, that claim Congress, when it was adopting nondiscrimination legislation 50 years ago, intended for the word “sex” to mean “gender identity.”