Newsweek Writer Demonstrates She Is the Only Smart One on the Bill Maher Show—It’s the Economy, Stupid (Videos)

Friday night Newsweek writer Batya Ungar-Sargon was on Bill Maher’s show and was asked if Joe Biden would lose Michigan in the general election because of the 100k uncommitted votes that were cast in the democrat primary that was conducted recently.

This from

Ungar-Sargon had a completely different take on it, saying the unhappy moslem narrative is what the media would like us to believe but in reality Biden’s going to lose Michigan because of 600k unhappy auto workers:

I think the media really, really wants to put this narrative out there that Biden is going to lose Michigan over Gaza when the truth is he’s going to lose Michigan over 600k auto workers.

Because his EV market was extremely punishing to auto workers. And like we said earlier, there’s been this big realignment where working class Americans are very, very much on the Trump train—people who used to be Democrats and used to vote for Democrats.

And rather than admit that, this outrage that the Democrats have lost the working class vote and try to figure out how we can appeal to them again, they are looking for excuses and other things to blame, like oh, this war in Gaza…

Watch below:

And below is another great clip going around from Ungar-Sargon’s appearance on Maher’s show:

So, the idea that you both agree with is that there’s a whole bunch of working class people in Ohio, who have been given good jobs and the American dream by Biden, and they just don’t realize it? Really? That’s the idea? C’mon!

Final thoughts, a combination of forward thinking and wishful thinking: If, in fact, elections are held in the fall and if honest elections can be achieved, Donald Trump will garner at least 80% of the vote and will win all 50 states and perhaps D.C. too. A sizable number of those remaining twenty percenters who drank the Kool-Aid will also vote for President Trump.

Rationale: By the fall of 2024, every voter in America will have been provided multiple educational opportunities concerning the candidates and the issues. People are hurting, disgusted, and becoming more and more aware of The Regime’s intentions.

Bottom line: Ignorance will no longer be an issue. Those who will still be supporting communist/globalist (democrat) candidates are either stupid, stubborn, or spiteful, and likely are socioculturally suicidal.