Update on the Young Girl Who Had Her Skull Bashed In Last Week in North County St. Louis MO

On Friday of last week, a young girl named Kaylee had her skull bashed in during an attack outside of a North County high school in Missouri. The horrific news was close-hold and slow to trickle out for obvious reasons—it was a black on white hate crime.

This from therightscoop.com.

Some were reporting she was already dead, and no credible information was available. Fortunately, that was not true and as of this morning, Kaylee is in critical condition with a skull fracture and frontal lobe damage.

Here’s the latest from a gofundme account that was set up early today:

With heavy hearts I am asking for support for our beloved Kaylee and family. In minutes, this family’s life shattered when their only daughter was assaulted outside of a North County high school. She was left alone on the ground to convulse before EMTs arrived on the scene. She was admitted to one of the local hospitals in Saint Louis with a skull fracture and frontal lobe damage.

She has major brain bleeding and swelling and is in critical condition. Kaylee is fighting hard to stay alive and heal but this is only the beginning of a very uphill battle for Kaylee and her family. We will not know the extent of the brain damage that has occurred until she wakes up but the path to recovery will be extremely hard on the family, not only mentally but financially. Her mother and father are staying by her side night and day hoping to bring her back to the Kaylee they know and love. Your support would help with lost wages and piling up medical bills due to no medical insurance.

Please pray for Kaylee when you have a moment. Her life has unfortunately taken a difficult turn but with God’s help she can fully recover.

Her gofundme is still new so it has only raised just over $3,400.

Missouri’s AG has already declared that the attacker should be charged as an adult:

God speed to Kaylee and to her family.