Commentary for a Sunday: The Left’s Promotion of Transgenderism Weaponizes Mental Illness

The proclamation of Easter Sunday, March 31, 2024, as Transgender Day of Visibility received much backlash—and rightfully so.

This from

The Regime and its unconstitutional colluding mass propaganda media has since been claiming Joementia Obiden did not issue a proclamation that promotes transgender identification on Easter Sunday.

Yes, We the People are to believe the announcement made on Good Friday, March 29, 2024, had nothing to do with the following Sunday, rather the day of announcement was randomly chosen.

NOTE: The topic of ‘Transgender Visibility’ is in fact gender dysphoria—a rare psychiatric disorder “causing an all-consuming and, thus, debilitating obsession with expressing an ‘identity’ that opposes one’s own physiology”—and features a profound conflict of body vs. mind.

Further, the proper approach to this dysphoria would be from a mental health perspective not by condoning and thus encouraging this maldeveloped behavior.

So how and why did this psychiatric disorder—

as opposed to, say, schizophrenia, for instance

—come to be actively promoted by [the Left]?

The ‘how’ is obvious:

Given [the Left’s] dominance amid education and media, they’ve been able to deploy a well-coordinated propaganda campaign designed to transform the perception of body/mind conflict from ‘psychiatric disorder’ to ‘protected identity group.’

Thus, targets for immediate change upon resumption of Conservative leadership of America must be the system of mis-Education throughout our beloved country and the mass propaganda media via enactment of laws of truth in print and speech.

The ‘why’ may be less obvious:

[T]o create yet another class of ‘victims of oppression’ requiring the codified ‘protection’ of the ruling elite.

Appending “Trans” to the growing Alphabet-Sex-People moniker achieves the purpose brilliantly. Like every other faction into which Leftists divide society, this rapidly growing subset of the Alphabet-Sex Identity Group “generates political capital for the [Left] by requiring further force-of-law social engineering.” But that is just the beginning of the gains made for the Left via Transgender ideology.

As one additional tool of many designed to bring down America:

Establishing a so-called ‘Transgender Community’ undermines society more fully and effectively than any previous deployment of the [Leftist] neo-Marxists’ Socio-Sexual-Free-For-All.

Consider the scope of the destined societal wreckage caused by an ‘identity’ rather than a ‘disorder’ that accepts body/mind conflict as a political subdivision:

 – Teaching this ideology to kids undermines their emerging capacity for discernment and, by extension, then, their ability to reason. Early exposure to trans-ideology can be expected to make kids less capable of trusting in or acting on their own observations, a generation made more easily subjugated,

The ‘trans’ identity offers those taught to hate their ‘privilege’ a way to identify with the (oh, so noble) ‘oppressed,’

Establishes the 100-billion-dollar, multinational FrankenSex Industry with the unique advantage of creating its own lifetime ‘customers.’ With billions of dollars at stake in the perpetuation (rather than resolution) of Body/Mind conflict, we can be sure that a stiff political wind will continue to blow in favor of the growing number of people identifying themselves as Transgendered,   

Transgenderism denies the created, binary nature of human sexual physiology, creating an opening for the fabrication of limitless sexual identity-groups, and

Removes objective, physiological reality as a common reference point to which all have recourse. ‘Disregard the evidence of your eyes and ears. We, your betters, will tell you what is real.’

To review:

 – [Leftists] seek to promote and perpetuate a body/mind conflict rather than pursue prevention or resolution,

 – Treating this psychiatric disorder as if it’s a fight for civil liberties serves to externalize it, to effectively WEAPONIZE it against society, and

 – [T]he people most egregiously harmed by it all are those [the Leftists] claim to “protect.” 

The body/mind conflict suffered by individual gender dysphoria sufferers is “being actively cultivated and perpetuated rather than treated.” Further, the Left effectively has deployed the result on an unsuspecting public.

Trans-identified people are convinced their misery is a result of societal rejection of their internal ‘identity’ rather than the war they are waging on themselves.

The predictable result is violence.

From mass shootings (Denver, Aberdeen, Nashville) to arson (Portland church fire Easter, 2024), violence perpetrated by self-identified Trans people is more grossly disproportionate to their percentage of the general population than is the case for any other recognized group. And it is not difficult to see why.