Karoline Leavitt to Newsmax: Add 2 More Debates, Blood Test

Joe Biden would not commit to debates with President Trump “for months” before two were scheduled in June and September.

This from newsmax.com.

Trump campaign national press secretary Karoline Leavitt told Newsmax:

The…president’s team is now proposing two more [debates] be added

Further, Leavitt told Monday’s Wake Up America:

Trump is demanding Biden take a blood test prior to the first debate.

Leavitt explained:

Why not? What does Joe Biden have to hide?

This is the same candidate who had to take five cuts for a 13-second announcement video that he would finally agree to these debates.

So, if Joe Biden really wants to prove that he’s mentally and physically able to be president of the United States without artificial stimulants, then he should agree to this demand by President Trump.

Leavitt said:

Trump has agreed to CNN debate in June, to an ABC News debate in September, and we’re also asking for two more debates—one on the Fox News Channel, and another this summer as well, in addition to a vice-presidential debate.


These debates are going to serve as an opportunity for President Trump to go head-to-head with Joe Biden and compare President Trump’s record of success and strength versus Joe Biden’s failing record and weakness.

According to Leavitt:

Biden accepted Trump’s challenge to debate against the will of his own team.


They had to put forth this proposal and President Trump accepted it.

And we are also again calling on Joe Biden to step up and do two more debates throughout this summer.

Leavitt noted:

Biden had seemed like he didn’t want to do [debates] at all.

We’re having one next month, which is incredibly important for Americans to start to see the contrast between these two candidates.

God speed to President Trump and may God keep him safe and vibrant.