Don’t Forget To Vote: Barbara Streisand May Move To Canada If Democrats Fail In Midterms

Hey look, another hysterical celebrity is threatening to leave the country over Donald Trump. Barbara Streisand says she is thinking about moving to Canada if democrats fail to take control of Congress in the November midterms. Every singe other celebrity who said they were leaving the US because of Trump was full of crap and never followed through, but certainly Barbara Streisand wouldn’t lie about something like this, right? Even if there’s only a 1% chance that she’ll actually leave, that’s still a pretty good incentive to get out there and vote for Republicans.

Streisand did an interview with the New York Times and revealed how seriously she is afflicted with Trump Derangement Syndrome.

“I would lie awake at night with Trump’s outrages running through my head,” said Streisand.

Well, that certainly seems healthy, doesn’t it? She actually has some more tragic symptoms of TDS, but we’ll get to that in a moment.

Streisand was asked about the #MeToo movement and gave the most liberal elitist bubble-dweller answer possible. She didn’t say anything about women who have been harassed or assaulted, but did defend Hillary Clinton who is married to a serial rapist:

“I think that’s what happened with Hillary Clinton. I mean, a woman of substance, an articulate, experienced in government, dignified, who had everything I thought would make her become a wonderful president of the United States, that doesn’t seem to matter because I think powerful women, strong women are viewed with suspicion,” Streisand said.

And then she defended serial groper Al Franken. When asked if she was glad women are fighting back against sexual assaulters, this is how she responded.

“I’m glad they’re fighting back, although when it comes to somebody like Al Franken, I’m dismayed and I think he was right when he said at the beginning, I’ll resign when Trump resigns,” said Streisand.

Just so we are clear, Barbra Streisand was asked about a movement in which women are coming forward to confront sexual harassers and assaulters and she responded by supporting a rape enabler and a groper.

Now, onto Donald Trump. Streisand was asked to name something good about the President and this is what she came up with:

“I mean, this is a man who’s kind of, not kind of — he’s mean. I worry about the children,” she said.

Getting back to her sleepless TDS nights, the interviewer asked how Streisand is doing these days.

“I want to sleep nights, if we take the House I’ll be able to sleep a little bit better,” said Streisand.

She was then asked, what happens if the democrats don’t take control of the House of Representatives in November:

“Don’t know. I’ve been thinking about, do I want to move to Canada? I don’t know. I’m just so saddened by this thing happening to our country,” she said.

And what is happening to our country? A booming economy? Record job growth? Historically low unemployment numbers? I can see why a rich liberal elitist would be so dismayed over stuff like that.

Finally, Streisand revealed the other complication from her crippling Trump Derangement Syndrome:

“It’s making me fat. I hear what he said now, and I have to go eat pancakes now, and pancakes are very fattening,” Streisand said.

Good, she could stand to put on a few pounds. Maybe the weight will help her grown into that nose and she won’t look like an emu.

There is no way in hell Barbara Streisand is moving to Canada when the democrats fall flat next week, but I have a good question for her and all the other liberal liars: Why is it always Canada? These liberal celebrities constantly threaten to move to white-ass Canada, but never to brown-ass Mexico. That seems a little racist to me, especially from a group of people who want to flood this country with illegal immigrants from Central America.