The Marxist Revolution & the Communist/Globalist Crime Syndicate 2024

Radicalized Marxist (communist/globalist) groups will protest and disrupt the Chicago Democratic Convention this year.

Liberal leadership will have been caught flat footed. Some revolutionaries see victory to eliminate our beloved self-governing Republic as being so near for them, they are energized with ecstasy.

This from

Ignorantly, communist/globalist politicians question why groups they have supported with resources and fiery speeches would turn against them.

[These same politicians] have coddled and loved on the Marxists with glowing praise while condemning their opponents with the harshest of rhetoric and most disparaging of words.

However, many have at least noted that this is “like the 1968 Democrat Convention” all over again, when protests and riots scarred the convention and its nominee, Senator Hubert Humphrey.

But this time far worse violence is anticipated. The extreme left Marxists’ and radical Islamists’ influence of the Crime Syndicate’s leadership should have enabled this to be seen coming—and perhaps it did.

[The extremists] want a very radical takeover. They actually want a revolution. They have made astonishing progress in the wake of the Obama [Regime’s] fundamental transformation to a much more socialist, anti-Christian nation with the government’s radical politicalization of federal departments.

Conservatism be warned:

Marxists and radical Islamists are very close to their takeover.

Attorney General Merrick Garland may not be a Marxist nor a radical Islamist; however, “those groups have been able to nurture and grow the venom within him, perhaps over his being disregarded for the Supreme Court.”

The notorious assassin known as Carlos the Jackal once said:

Only a coalition of Marxists and Islamists

can destroy the United States.

A profound statement, indeed. And the devil is in the details:

– One of the great ironies is that the coalition has some Islamists supporting sexual orientations that would get the proponent killed in their own Islamic country of origin or preference, and

– [E]each group thinks that once they provoke and win the revolution, they will be able to take over and discard the other group that joined them.

NOTE: True Islamists do not want a Marxist government and true Marxists do not want ANY religious group involved in their communist hierarchy.

And the mega-wealthy funding this revolution are equally poor students of history and suicidal. They are seemingly unaware that in either a Marxist or Islamic takeover, the mega-wealthy are not given a “thank you” for funding the takeover. Their wealth will be promptly taken, and the former wealthy are either killed or sent to a gulag or prison.

Now for means of historical content and perhaps to provide a learning experience:

– [Why did the communists] protest and riot at the 1968 Democratic Convention?  Afterall, the democrats were going to nominate an acknowledged liberal of that decade, Hubert Humphrey? and

– Why didn’t the communist leaders go after the Republican Convention where they would nominate Richard Nixon who was obviously no friend of liberals? Nixon was going after communists in Congress before he was Vice President.

David Horowitz answered these two questions:

[W]e were communists! Our saying was ‘the worse, the better.’

He explained:

Humphrey had supported the war in Vietnam and had been anti-communist. [T]here was also concern that if Humphrey won the Presidency, it would be more difficult to get young people rioting out in the streets. Some felt if Nixon won, it would be easier to get college students to riot out in the streets. So, there was a better chance of a revolution with Nixon.

Horowitz then discussed his own horror that resulted from the “harassment and assaults on police [and] that police finally killed some of the protesters. The goal of getting some of their own friends and supporters killed really concerned [him].”

The lesson here to be learned and anticipated this coming August in Chicago at the DNC:

The communist/globalist leadership

will make sacrifices for the good of the cause.

NOTE: Some Jewish supporters of the Left are currently in a bit of shock seeing the combined Marxist and Islamic left coming after Jews.

However, recent clashes on college campuses in defending the malevolent brutality, torture, rape, and murder of Jews on October 7 last year have made fairly clear where all this is going.

Liberals will never realize their condemnation and cries for removal of Israeli leaders who are striving to prevent another holocaust will prove to be a lose-lose-lose situation for them. Jews, Jew-haters, and Marxists (communists/globalists) will each be at their throats even if they were to take over.

Final thoughts: The 1960’s violent days of Marxist revolution in America never stopped. They clandestinely set up operation in our education and media systems. Their hate continued in a slightly less violent manner.