The Trumpire Strikes Back—The Enemy Is Backed Up Against the Ropes

The Deep State—those funding this coup d’etat, Barack Hussein Obama, Joe Biden, all communists/globalists, those still insisting on being called democrats, and the colluding mass propaganda media—have been banging on the “Trump is an existential threat to democracy” drum for years.

This from

The mantra worked for quite a while, but according to the polls, the sting has been taken out of that thorn. People are done with the argument. It no longer works.

This article contains nothing new, rather it is a compilation of Leftists’ mistakes of late—some are funny, some are frightening, they all are enjoyable, particularly knowing the Left is feeling very very desperate.

Now, the Trump people are striking back, and it is a great time to do so. The lawfare against Trump is quite obvious, the news that the FBI was authorized to use deadly force (Andy McCarthy thinks it’s no big deal, but that’s not how most people see it), the protests on university campuses, and a general sense of chaos and decline make people think that things are spinning out of control.

People look around and see things are not right, and Trump’s new ad puts the blame where it belongs: The Regime, who have been promoting violence and chaos.

Now, it’s true that presidents aren’t responsible for all the good or bad things that happen during their terms. They are men, not gods. But let’s face it:

The Obiden Regime has been the author of many of the horrible things happening, as are many fellow [communists/globalists].

They cheered on BLM riots, and they perpetrated hoax after hoax, pushing racial division, authoritarian mandates, lawfare, antisemitism, and increased suspicion and division in our society.

The Regime’s political strategy: stir up hate and buy off constituencies. Rinse, repeat.

Biden spends an inordinate amount of time attacking MAGA extremists, calling people racist, telling Black students they can never succeed in America, claiming Republicans hate gays and minorities, and generally stirring up hatred.

Americans already see Biden as a failed president based on his record, and the Left knows that. Their trump card, they believe, is the “danger to democracy” argument. This is one of two things they have left—anticipate the mass nation-wide violence to begin in the near future.

Biden is not just down in the polls;

people don’t even like him as a person anymore.

James Comey was on MSNBC making this case. His message:

You may not like Joe Biden, but Trump is dangerous!

Yes, of course, “dangerous” to those who participated in the now-failed coup d’etat.

This ad aims at exactly that argument, and they believe the seed they are planting will land in fertile soil. Contrarily, however, trotting out James Comey actually reminds people of how state power has been abused against Trump and his supporters.

Look at Trump’s poll numbers and how they have skyrocketed during his trial in New York, which has been going on for weeks now. The lawfare was supposed to decrease Trump’s popularity with his base and suppress it with Independents, but it has turned out differently.

The only people who appreciate this unconstitutional insanity are hardcore Trump haters, and their votes were never up for grabs anyway.

Trump’s base has been energized, of course, but so have Independents, who do not like what they are seeing. The Biden case in 2020 was a “return to normality,” and what we have gotten is chaos squared.

The pursuit of Donald Trump has been

toxic not to Trump but to all of liberalism.

Radical Leftists have been saying some insane things over the past few years, and Trump is going to shove it all back in their faces.

People who hate Trump will never have their minds changed, but ordinary people who want things to be sane again may not like Trump, but their experience during his first term was nothing like what Leftists keep claiming. On the other hand, the Left is doing exactly what they accuse Trump of wanting to do: weaponize the government. This is so obvious that even CNN admits it now.

The “threat to democracy” argument against Trump was pretty weak to begin with—after all, Trump was president and things were pretty good—but Trump’s campaign is looking to drive a stake through its heart in the next few weeks.

Alvin Bragg, Fani Willis, Christopher Wray, Jack Smith, and Merrick Garland have all been handing gifts to Trump by appearing to be political goons. More and more Independents see them as part of a rogue’s gallery of political hitmen assigned to take out Joe Biden’s political opponent.

Will this effort work?

Some liberals are throwing in their towels, but the extreme violence has not yet begun.

God speed to President Trump and God speed to the Take Back of our Constitutional Republic.